news from guyana

Greetings of love in Our Saviour's Precious Name. A very blessed 2006 to you and yours and the hope that our Lord's return to Jerusalem will be soon.

Thank you very much for the parcel of books. I received them safely just before Christmas and brethren have taken them all to read. Please do not forget us during this New Year if you come across any books you would like to share with us.

We in Guyana are trying to keep our focus on the return of the Lord and not to be distracted by the daily doses of disasters, mayhem and politics with which we are bombarded. Until our Lord returns or we are called aside to await his coming,
Sis Lynette Jenita Williams

Thank you for the Bible Reader’s calendar; I kept one for myself and shared the others out. It will surely be useful. Thanks also for Gospel News which I want to continue receiving; it has been a source of encouragement and entertainment in my walk. Even though work and school have kept me busy, I still find time to do reading. At present the Demerara ecclesias are taking part in a quiz competition which is run by Bro. Sydney Enebeli of St. Lucia. Next Saturday is the semi-finals, of which I am a participant. Then the following Sunday is the finals. The winning team will be given a trophy and second and third place a present each. So far it has been a challenge, testing our ability and knowledge of the Bible.
Sis Elizabeth Europe

I report that last year Sister Olive Ramsay fell asleep due to a clot in her heart; she was in the N/A Hospital. We are therefore asking you to remember us because we need a lot of help. This letter is coming from her granddaughter
Sis. Carol Ramsay

Thanks for the calendar. I would certainly be happy if I could have more as I could give them to people I speak to as a way of encouraging them to read the Bible. While waiting for the next Gospel News I re-read the old ones as it keeps my mind on God, which is so necessary in these last days. I usually read the news first as I get all the information of my Brethren and Sisters, then I read the editorial and noticed the article about arthritis relief. I have it in both my knees so I only go to the memorial meeting, as a Sister comes for me. I would be happy to receive a copper bracelet and also any publications on health would be interesting. I would like to receive a copy of Bible Basics and any other uplifting literature from time to time. Our prayers are always with the Brothers and Sisters who are spreading the good news of the coming Kingdom which we all know must be soon as we see the signs told by Jesus fulfilling in our day.
Sis. Janet Williams

Warmest greetings from sunny Guyana. It was so lovely to receive your letter, with all the good news of the continuous spreading of the Gospel message in those far off lands.

Now a very special favour, could you please. send a copy of Jan-March Gospel News to a very dear friend of mine. Bro Roland and Sis May Smith; they are very special indeed. Bro. Roland came to British Guiana in 1950, taught me the Truth and baptised me in 1951. Ever since then Bro. Roland has been greatly interested in every aspect of the Truth in Guyana and he would love the Abedi story. I have just received my copy today and am so very thankful that Bro. Abedi and his family are so very happy to be amongst us. Unfortunately, since travelling to Kilcoy with the family I have only been in contact with them through telephone. But the news is good. The Brother is teaching French at a private school and the children are all attending school and obviously loving it. I can see that you are making good use of the photos I send so that urges me to keep you supplied! Thank you for the interesting copy of Present Day Events No.458. Exciting indeed.
Sis Lorraine Mitchell.

I keep up to date through Gospel News, where the Good News has germinated to full fellowship. Look what is happening with Bro. Constantine! plus familiar and strange-sounding names of countries! Keep up the good work, especially among the refugees. I welcome any literature and especially a Bible dictionary. May God’s blessings be showered on the team that produces Gospel News. Spare no effort to preach the word, God will give the increase.

Sis. Enid D’Anjou.

Photo: Sunday School Concert - Georgetown

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