news from russia

We’re delighted to report the baptisms of VERA and TATYANA, an elderly contact. We’re sorry to report that Sis Tatyana fell asleep in the Lord a few days after her baptism due to complications from the extremely cold weather this winter. We await the day of resurrection.

Please pray for us. Galina is sleeping with three jumpers and her coat on, it is impossible to keep the house warm here. Also both of us are invalids, and also Galina’s husband left her and went off to live with his former wife. We believe in your prayers.
Bro. Vitaly & Sis. Galina

I received the invitation to the Winter Bible School late, but I hope to come all the same although it is so far from here. I am totally with you all.
Bro. Andrej

Along with Brother Anatoly, I am about to leave for the Winter Bible School. We are so very grateful for this opportunity to meet with other brothers and sisters knowing how hard it is to arrange resources so that this is possible, but without such meetings our fellowship collapses.
Bro. Viktor

I have come here to live from Armavir. I am trying to gather together with the local brothers and sisters. I have many difficulties and need your prayers very much.
Bro. Alexei

I am writing to inform you of the death of my dear father, our Brother Viktor, he died unexpectedly at the age of 58. I am very grateful that Brother Duncan baptized him some years ago. My father truly loved both God and people around him. Meeting with death like this unexpectedly has brought me closer to God and to see the importance of all that we believe about Him.
Sis. Larisa & Sis. Asija

I continue to preach here but I am disturbed to tell you of the death of Sister Tatyana. I now await the coming of the Kingdom of God with greater desire.
Bro. Aleksandr

I send greetings to you all. I read the whole of 1 Peter recently. I saw it through new eyes, thinking of all my unknown Brothers and Sisters in the world for whom now I feel great love as we all pass through our tribulations.
Sis. Ludmila

I was thinking to myself, how very much good you have done by going around teaching and baptizing people. People like me have been given the hope of eternal life. It has changed our lives. I can only say I am very grateful to you and to our Father even more.
Bro. Valerij

We are very much with you and hope Brother Duncan can come soon to give us some exhortation. We are now meeting every Sunday for the breaking of bread and we have a very loving spirit amongst us here which is a great encouragement.
Bro. Viktor

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