news from belarus

I remain in contact with the prisoners I am corresponding with. Some of them have really genuine needs and it worries me as to whether we should do more for such people, or whether it is a waste of time to help materially. I pray fervently for them and for you all.
Bro. Leonid

I feel very great gratitude for your support as I know Sis Irina and her children do. At least we feel we are not alone in this world, there is a true spiritual family that really exists for us.
Sis. Larisa

I am facing so many problems as I become weaker each year. The village is losing its population, lonely old people die and even there is nobody who bothers to bury them. We were cut off for some time because of the snow, and even people were taking wood from deserted houses and burning it because of the cold. I pray for you all, thinking that surely there are others in worse situations even than mine.
Sis. Anna

This Winter is hard for us not just because of the cold but because my wheelchair is broken, also I am getting rashes breaking out, each of which takes 2 or 3 weeks to heal. Also it is so hard for us to wash in the Winter. In Summer we collect rain water for this, but it is so hard in Winter. I am reading the Bible using the Companion although some days it isn’t possible because of my health. I stand with you all.
Bro. Valerij

We suffer here so much from the cold weather. I am wearing my overcoat even around the house. It is just so hard to keep warm. I valued very much the clothes sent to me. Know that we are with you.
Sis Nina

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