news from malawi

We need to keep on helping each other spiritually and personally, because no one knows when God will release His Son, who is our Master, King of Kings to overcome all his enemies.  Here in Malawi many prophecies are being fulfilled, such as hunger, quarrels of leadership, disease etc.  All such troubles are signs that soon Jesus will come. I enclose a picture of some orphans I care for, plus giving them spiritual teaching.  Pray for me that I will not get tired, since I am unemployed.  I will also pray for you.
Bro. Godwin Banda


Photo: Children cared for by Bro. Banda

We are in need of reading glasses.  If possible, could you send us some as per the enclosed prescriptions.
Bro. Lukanga Nyomiro

Photo: Bro. & Sis. Chipala and family at Chimbalanga

Thanks for sending me Bible Basics; many people will benefit from it; it is more important than gold and silver.  I want to inform you that we have received iron sheets for our church.  Now our prayer house is no problem and this also makes us feel powerful and strong, bodily and spiritually.  On behalf of Chabonga Christadelphians I say thanks to those who provided them.
Bro. P. Mbingwani

My name is Justin Bafter and I am the third-born in a family of eight.  I went to school from Form 1 up to Form 4 and passed Malawi School Certificate of Education in 2000 and am still looking for a job.
Bro Justin Bafter

I need some books like ‘Elpis Israel’ and some tracts.  May God bless you all the time till the second coming of our Lord.
Bro. Lytwel Symbey

Comment:  When we get a copy of the book I will send it.  MH

From Kasungu centre to my place is not less than 35kms.  Regarding Zomba meeting, I do not have any regular communication; they sometimes send me printed papers in Chichewa. They used to know me in the past years when Bro. Nightingale with his wife and Bro. Lowe with his wife came and we met at Kasungu Inn together;  I then knew my Brethren and Sisters around Kasungu district, but now I only come to know members in Malawi through Gospel News.  I have heard that Bible Basics is now in the Chichewa language, and I would like it if I could receive a copy;  there are many who only read Chichewa and it would be a pleasure to share it with them.  As you know, since my husband passed away I truly live upon the assistance of God through His beloved ones.  Being a widow, I was chosen among 12 ladies in our village to be tested for HIV/AIDS disease.  If the disease could be found we would be given food, clothes, soap etc.   I was the only one found negative, so I do not get anything.  It was sad for me in one way because we’re experiencing so much hunger in our country.  But I went home and entered my room and said, ‘O Lord of Israel, you fed people with manna’ and, of course, I’m being provided for by God through His loving people.
Sis  B. Khonge

I am very glad to inform Brothers and Sisters world wide that we are studying Revelation, verse-by-verse and chapter-by-chapter, by using Bro. H.P. Mansfield’s notes.  I have been assisted by Sis. Paula from UK.  Some days ago I heard from Sis. Hope of Sussex, UK, that Sis. Paula was ill, so I am not now receiving the notes.  I am in isolation, so please don’t forget me.  I find Gospel News very  uplifting.
Bro Alexandre Banda

I am able to translate in Yao language, which is also familiar in Malawi, Gambia, Tanzania, Zimbabwe and Mozambique.  Please let me have plans: paper, pens, together with a good English dictionary to help me grasp the meaning of some words.  Life has been so difficult, to the extent of being divorced by my spouse in October 2000, because my poverty was endless.  At my age, the blow was so severe and in trying to culturally avoid the environmental influences of ungodly people, I left home and settled here in total isolation. Whenever I am to assemble with fellow believers, a journey of 36kms on foot is to be taken.  Living alone has twice resulted in thieves breaking through my house to sweep it clean.  Nevertheless, I praise the Lord who, through His grace, makes some neighbours feel sorry and who help me sometimes.  I think you can understand how one feels at times when one is isolated by both this world of unbelief and also fellow believers, one’s heart paces faster ahead of the feet towards the Kingdom of God and His Christ.  Anyway, I am convinced of that which the Lord has seen fit to visit me with, and am glad to know the Lord is kind to spare me some days to assist in His noble work and may it be so, God willing.  I became a Christadelphian at the age of 19 years in 1966 and now I am almost 60 and I believe you will know how difficult it is for one to stay all alone at this age, yet I know I am never alone, the Lord is ever close.   My present address is: Brighton M. Bwanali, c/o Chisomo Pvt. Primary School, Box 188, Liwonde, Malawi.
Bro. B.M. Bwanali

Photo: Bro. Philiat (left), Bro. Alexandre (centre) and Bro. Gerlad.(Kasungu)

One of my Brothers in Christ, who lived in Mozambique is young but well;  his parents were killed in the Mozambique war.  I have been teaching him and now he is on the way up;  we know Yahweh can only work with men who are prepared to do their part in the warfare of faith.  We cannot use weapons we have not proved, therefore we must make every effort to familiarize ourselves with the word of God through daily reading and personal Bible study. Brothers and sisters, surely mercy and forgiveness should be the ruling principles in our love one for another. The message is in 1 John 2:9-10 Brotherly love is the foundation of true religion.
Bro Edmond Store

Photo: Bro Edmond Store watering his garden

I was glad when I received Bible Basics and Gospel News.  Our beloved country is known as ‘the warm heart of Africa’, but economically we are amongst the poorest;  out of the eight poorest, we are number five. Your letter drew my attention to many who share the word of God with us.  I heard of the terrorist attacks in England that killed many innocent people and wounded many  others.  I strongly agree with you that the Son of God is about to appear. Brothers, we are joined together in Christ even though we’ve never met, but we will when our Lord comes.  I love and care for you all.
Bro Tholesi Nazombe

All the things you send me to read are good and I want to encourage you to send me more in order that I may continue to study. The thing I want most is the Holy Bible, Chinyanja version if possible, but if that is not possible, try to send me another as I haven’t one.
Bro. Maxwell Tebulo

Due to circumstances I have changed my address to:  Mpinganjira ecclesia, Private Bag 135, Mangochi, Malawi, C.Africa
Bro. Morris Assani

The following is paramount to our everyday life.  In Song of Songs (5:2) there is a certain woman who had a lover.  One night she slept, but her heart was awake.  She dreamt a man knocked at the door.  He said, ‘Let me come in, my darling, my sweetheart, my love.  My head is wet with dew and my hair is damp from the mist.’   If you go through the chapter from verses 3 to 6, you will hear that the woman refused; she didn’t want her lover to come in.  In v. 4 the lover puts his hand to the door, but the woman didn’t open for him.  Finally, the woman realised that the one who was knocking was her real lover and she opened the door.  ‘Alas!’ The woman said, ‘my lover has gone away.’  Brothers and Sisters, what does this mean?  Let us look at Rev. 3 v 20, ‘Listen! I stand at the door and knock: if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into his house and eat with him, and he will eat with me.’  The lover mentioned in Song of Songs is Jesus Christ. We are hearing the knock of Jesus on our hearts even now.  Why is it some do not open to him?  They are living in a danger zone.   Should he come today, what will be their (and our) judgment?  Brothers and Sisters, Jesus is calling us daily to submit our hearts to him.  Let us respond  to our Lord positively.
Bro. Symon Wanyekheya

I write to extend my sincere gratitude for the Bibles and Bible tracts.  I write on behalf of the church – we are very thankful. Please keep it up, as the books have assisted us in spreading the word of God further.  Our church is growing and we are really being helped by your activities.  We are tirelessly spreading the gospel to all people. As you know, Malawi is poor and sometimes we find it difficult to travel long distances.
Bro. James Nyoni

Photo: Bro. Nyoni and his daughter Jean

I write to inform you that I am a new member in this church and have received your inspiring words.  I am now seeing the light of Jesus.  I write to ask you to send me some Bibles and tracts so that I can preach to others.  We are handicapped here because of the famine.
Bro. Moses C. Lusale

Many thanks for the copy of the Chichewa Bible Basics which I am sure will be of great help for many brethren and sisters who find English very difficult to understand;  this really has fulfilled one of your – and our – dreams.  For the ‘Tumbuka’ version of Bible Basics we need to sit down with brethren over here who will be able to help in the translation work.  One other thing: about the book, ‘Where There Is No Doctor’.  I didn’t know it was such a very good book until I saw it with a brother here.
Bro. Sylvester Tembo

I am delighted to inform you that I have received with joy, ‘Why Are We Here?’ There are many brethren and sisters here in our ecclesia who need Bible Basics and Gospel News; I humbly request you to send more copies.  I have been a Sunday School teacher here for three years.  Our aim is to encourage young people to grow spiritually, but unfortunately I have no Sunday School teaching materials, such as Key-Cards, time charts and lessons. Please, if available, send me these.  The Scripture says, “When Jesus saw this, he became angry and said, Let the children come to me.  Don’t try to stop them.  People who are like these little children belong to the kingdom of God” (Mk. 10:14).
Bro. Venancion Malata

I write to you, brother, to ask for your help.  As you know, last year the rains were poor in Africa.  So, due to the droughts, people failed to harvest more yields and because of that fact hunger is now a big problem in Africa and especially here in Malawi.  Right now, as I am writing, people are dying because of hunger.
Bro. Thom Bicycle

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