news from latvia

We are delighted to announce the baptisms during the last six months of ASTRIDA, ERIK, VASILY and SIGITAS IRINA, ANDREJ, ALEKSANDR, LENA and LILIJA, the latter as a result of our Speaking About Jesus English language courses..

I am holding on here. I speak with my son about the Bible. Thank you for the light brought into my life by the true knowledge of God.
Sis. Irena

Things are hard for me and I am in need of some warm clothing here as we face Winter. I read the Bible a lot as I have much time, and am trying to speak with the people around me about it, but they are distracted by other things.
Bro. Erik

Note: Clothing is being provided.

I really enjoy Gospel News, it’s a great magazine, please keep it up. I am truly encouraged every time I receive it.
Bro. Petr

Here in the prison I am having a hard time. I never get to breathe fresh air and my legs hurt continually. I am in a cell with two other men, it is very small, but we are able to talk a lot about the Bible and God. Please pray for me.
Bro. Eriks

I am so grateful for the clothes sent me, it’s really a big help. We are in need of about everything. Even soap we don’t have. We are with you in our prayers. I am so glad to have my very own Bible from you for the first time in my life.
Bro. Andrej


I am praying for you in all your work of teaching the Bible, it is hard for me at my age in this village to do much but I am with you sincerely.
Sis Zina

I am praying for brother Hussein and others persecuted. I am grateful for the help given to me especially warm clothes. I send greetings, especially to Bror Marcus. I am still teaching some people here about the truth and I am grateful for the copies of Bible Basics which I received for this purpose. My prayers are with all those affected by the recent terrorist acts and other catastrophes.
Bro Mikhail

I have been so busy in working in the fields harvesting our crop for the Winter and also looking after grandchildren. Now we await Winter, when I have more free time, and am able to read the Bible absolutely each day without fail using the Companion.
Sis. Sarmite

I am so grateful for the clothes sent to me, the jumpers and boots, without them I do not know how I would be able to look forward to this Winter coming. I am very much with you all. Here in our village it is as if people are so primitive, only thinking of themselves, and I find it hard to do as Jesus said and to always turn the other cheek.
Sis Gunta

I am always so happy to attend the breaking of bread in Tukums. I think about what we hear for the rest of the week, and re-read the notes that are taken.
Bro. Vladimir

Please pray for me, as yet again I fell, this time whilst trying to board a bus, and again I broke something. I have a small job cleaning, but the pay is very low.
Sis. Vaira

I feel such great gratitude for all you have done for me, and also to all sisters who are buying the scarves we are trying to make. I don’t know where our family would be without your help, we can only pay back by trying to be faithful to Christ in all ways.
Sis Anita

Things for us here aren’t good because of the way people are getting poorer whilst others become very wealthy. Our only hope is for the coming of Jesus Christ! I have been reading according to the Companion from both Chronicles and the gospel of John, the two hardest parts of the Bible for me come at one and the same time of the year. Even Revelation I think I understand better. I pray for the new brothers in the Philippines. I read some news about that country and I am pleased to know there are brothers there too.
Bro Fyodyor

I very much enjoyed the Bible School. Even after hearing the first talks, my blood pressure reduced. I am very grateful for everything.
Sis Vaira

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