Personal Testimony
I would like to really thank the Almighty as He has led my life
through history. I was eager to find a place at Morganster Teachers
college for a three year diploma course, and for the provision of
finance to cater for the fees. Many people are dying because of hunger,
crimes, violence and suicide but by his grace, I’m alive to preach the
gospel to all nations as he said on his departure.
Finally, brethren, pray for me to be in sound doctrine as I am far
from other brethren at College. I should be grateful if you would send
me some copies of Bible Basics (English/Shona) as I have many students
here in need of them. And also a booklet, ‘Who are the
Christadelphians?’ Brethren and sisters worldwide, preach the gospel
without ceasing till he come. (Luke 19:10;Hebrews 2:11 2 Peter 3:15).
Bro Mudawse Simon (Masvingo, Zimbabwe)Bro Mudawse Simon (Masvingo, Zimbabwe)