France and Spain June 2005
Applications for Bible Basics continue to be received from the immigrant communities in Western Europe. For some time JELENA, originally from Ukraine but having lived in Zaragoza, Spain, for some years, has been studying Bible Basics in Russian. Having been through Orthodox, Catholics, Adventists [with whom she was ‘baptized’], she still hungered for a personal relationship with the Lord based upon truth. Mocked by her neighbours for never having gone to confession for four years and not attending church - ‘going to church’ is a real big cultural thing in Spain - Lena has her faith where it should be – in her heart. It was a pleasure to have some long discussions with this lively, prayerful, intelligent woman and to eventually baptize her into the Lord Jesus in the bath tub of a hotel in northern Spain. Although in a difficult personal situation, our Sister is a great Bible reader, and incidentally was very pleased to be presented with the Ukrainian edition of Bible Basics. We feel sure that providing literature in the exact native language of contacts is indeed worthwhile and enhances their grasp of the Truth.
We moved on to another town to visit GELA. She is a wonderfully brave woman, originally from Africa, who has gone through some awful experiences and which are ongoing. She is in need of our prayerful support as she ‘is in a very very difficult situation, although she is one of the most prayerful people we have met anywhere. Again we are delighted to announce her baptism into the Lord Jesus Christ. She presented us with some-home made materials which we are happy to offer for sale to the highest bidder! A man’s leather belt hand embroidered with beads; two key rings likewise hand embroidered with beads; and two wrist bands with the Kiswahili greeting ‘Jambo’ embroidered on them in beads. Her situation is indeed very difficult and anyone wanting to know more can contact Cindy direct at
Next stop was France, where we have a number of promising contacts from the immigrant community in France. Amongst these, we met up with our long time contact JEAN-FRANCOIS. A native of Congo, he’s living near Geneva Switzerland, but had been sent to Paris by his company for training. We were delighted to meet up with him there on a break from his training course. Since having decided to be baptized, God has greatly blessed him with a good new job, and he was simply so happy to be baptized in that bath tub of a Paris hotel. The message of Hebrews 3:6 came to mind: holding fast the confidence and rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end. We immediately passed our brother’s mobile number to local French speaking sisters who were able to text him felicitations and greetings. His younger sister has recently escaped the violence in Congo and is now with him, along with his wife and two young children, and we pray for them in their difficult situation as they settle in to a new life in Europe.
So we commend our two new sisters and brother to the Lord’s care, returning to Latvia very convinced of and thankful for the work the Lord is guiding us to amongst the immigrant communities of Western Europe.