Instructions to Youth: "The Lesson"
2 Timothy 3:12 Everyone who wants to live a godly life in union with Jesus Christ will be persecuted
Philippians 2:3-5 Don’t do anything from selfish ambition or from a cheap desire to boast, but be humble toward one another, always considering others better than yourselves. The attitude you should have is the one that Christ Jesus had. ‘To follow the ways of our Lord Jesus Christ’.
2 Timothy 3:15 Since you were a child, you have known the Holy Scriptures which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.
Hebrews 11:39, 40 What a record all these have won by their faith! Yet they did not receive what God had promised because God had decided on an even better plan for us, to be rewarded with them.
Luke 2:47 All who heard him were amazed at his intelligent answers. When Jesus was twelve years old, he went with his parents to the festival as usual. But the boy Jesus stayed in Jerusalem. His parents did not know this. Some of our parents currently do not know the Holy Scripture; try to teach them to know the Bible.
1 Timothy 4:13 Until I come, give your time and effort to the public reading of the scriptures and to preaching and teaching.
Matthew 21:15, 16 But when the chief priest and scribes saw the wonderful things that he did, and the children crying out in the temple and saying, ‘Hosanna to the son of David!’ they were indignant and said to him ‘Do you know what these are saying?’ And Jesus said to them, ‘Yes’, have you never read, ‘Out of the mouths of babes and nursing infants you have perfected praise to God’.
1 Timothy 4:16 Watch yourself and watch your teaching. Keep on doing these things, because if you do, you will save both yourself and those who hear you.
George Maina Wabwile (Bungoma, Kenya)