Free Bible Study Tapes
We would like to introduce a scheme for (those in the mission fields) listening to Bible tapes. There are taped talks given by brethren from all over the world. The plan is that we would like you to form groups of, say, four to circulate tapes amongst yourselves. The four-member groups may be ecclesias, groups or those in isolation. Each of the four members of the group would be sent ten tapes. When they have listened to their ten tapes, they will then pass them to another member of their group and they themselves would be sent ten tapes from another member of their group. This process would continue until all in the group receive back the ten tapes they originally started with. They could then keep those tapes or give them to others and inform us, then a further supply of ten further tapes would be sent to each member of the group. You need to form your own groups, and let us know who the four members are and we will then send them ten tapes each to start the tape reading circle.
Some brethren and sisters have tapes no longer required and we should appreciate it if they would send them to us for the above scheme. MH.