news from belarus

Because of so many problems here I have decided to leave for Ukraine. I am hoping and praying to our Father that there things will be better.
Bro. Edik

I am very encouraged that, despite your busyness, with the Lord’s work you are able to write to me, thank you. We are meeting once per month in Minsk for the breaking of bread, but it costs me about $15 to get there, which is a lot for me from my pension. Although the world around us - even in this village - is like the world of Lot and Noah, I am determined to hold my faith till Jesus returns.
Bro. Ivan

My brother and I have now been confined to the house for nine years with our illness, the paths around our village are too rough and often muddy for us to pass there in our wheelchairs. We both dreamt so long of being baptized, and we are so very glad we are now baptized. We are totally lonely here, we have no friends, and we are simply so grateful that we were sent the Bible Basics and were able to learn the Gospel of Hope. We are both sick with asthma as well, we think this was because of the very cold winter, now we feel our whole bodies have thawed out, but it causes us attacks of asthma.
Bro. Sasha

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