news from zambia

Prayer is the only way we can speak to our Creator, the Lord God; it is the media He has made available for us to communicate with Him without any trouble. Unlike the systems we use to communicate between ourselves there cannot be any breakdown if we pray with faith. God hears our prayers and answers them. The speed with which sound travels from broadcasting infrastructures to our radios is much, much slower than the speed it takes for our ptayers to reach the ears of our Creator, "For the Lord God knows the things that we need before we even ask of Him" (Matt. 6:31-32 +v8).

In Zambia, in the rain season of 1994, there was no rain until January 1998. Normally the signs of the rains come in October, but that was not the case that particular season. However, all the churches prayed for rain and the sky opened, it poured and the drought threat was over. How merciful our Creator is! When Joshua prayed, the Lord heard his prayer and the sun stood still (Josh. 10:12,13). The apostle James says in his letter that a prayer said faithfully would heal the sick, even put one out of trouble (James 5:13-16). Elijah prayed that it should not rain for a few years and, because he was faithful to the Lord, it did not rain (1 Kings 17:7) and in verses 21 and 22 Elijah prayed to the Lord God for the life of a dead boy and the Lord heard Elijah and restored the child to life. Through prayer Elijah did many wonderous miracles. If we read through chapter 18 of 1 Kings God tells us not to pray for our brethren and sisters only, but for our enemies also because some of those people who oppress us are somehow God’s chosen people, but their time has not yet come, like that of the biblical Saul who later came to be known as Paul (read Acts 9:1-20) Also Cornelius, Caesar’s centurion, had faith when he prayed and the Lord heard and blessed him. The apostles of Jesus performed many miracles through faithful prayers. Our lesson here is perseverance in prayer and meditation on God’s inspired word, the Bible.
Bro. Willies Simbowe

Photo: At the Bush Camp in Zambia. Bro. Willies Simbowe in the middle, standing.

Please send some Bibles, like NIV, AV or ASV. The Bibles we have are NKJV and are not now in good condition because of using them daily. However, to have different versions is better than having just one version. An example I can give you is Micah 5:2. Some Christadelphians have doubts on this and those from other churches. They say Jesus was physically existing from the creation of the world and that Jesus is God Himself. Read also Dan.3. In the NKJV verse 25 ends with a big ‘G’ – "God"; in the RSV it ends with a small ‘g’ - "gods". Also read 1 John 5:7. In the NKJV "the Word" is a physical Jesus and this is what people think, but at verse 8 it says exacty as in the RSV at verse 7, and the RSV is talking about the composition of a human body
Bro. Pinoty Chimbele


Today we are living in bad times. However, a child of God is supposed to lift up his head, to look afar and see the blessings of God. Many Christians today are being persecuted. The most important thing for us is to lay up treasure in heaven, where thieves do not break in and steal (Matt. 6:19-20). We need to keep our lamps burning so that Jesus will find us ready when he comes. Provided we remain clean in our hearts and deeds we need not get worried about our life, what we shall eat and drink, nor for our clothes. Let us put God in our hearts and in all aspects of our life. God is good. So let us do these things during our lifetime; when we die that will mark the end for any opportunities. So let us strive to see that we achieve our goal, which is to be in God’s Kingdom. Present problems will be no more in the Kingdom. Christ is the best medicine we can ever have for a troubled mind.
Bro. Ignatius Chikkwa

The love of God is far greater than the love of man. Sometimes it is beyond our understanding. There is many an occasion in the Old Testament where the love of God permitted men to suffer for a little while so that far greater good could be done. Nowhere was the extent of God’s love more clearly depicted than when He allowed the sufferings of Jesus on the cross. This may seem strange to us, but it did not mean that God loved Jesus any less; it was because of God’s love for the world that He permitted the sufferings of His Son. Nor did the decision of Jesus to remain where he was at the time of Lazarus’s death mean that he loved Lazarus any less. To many it may seem a dreadful thing that Lazarus should have had to die. Why could not his pain and the grief of others have been averted? The Lord saw it differently. There was a greater purpose already clear to him. This is because God sees death differently, too. For us, death is a time of bereavement, of sadness and loneliness. To God, death is merely the sleep of those who love Him and who are part of His eternal purpose. The apostle Paul explains how this can be: "…even God, who gives life to the dead, and calls those things which do not exist as though they did" (Rom. 4:17).
Bro. Edward Mutale

I have been coming across Gospel News once in a while and the moment I read them they help me a lot spiritually. It will be of great help if you will send them, because they will be read by a group of four brethren.
Bro. Dinuiswayo Nyawali


I am a baptized Brother in Kabompo ecclesia and was baptized by Bro. John Palmer in August 2001. I have been trying to get included on your mailing list, but in vain.
Bro. Charles Muhupu

My promotion results are out and I am glad to let you know that I made it to the second year. We opened schools on February 14 and were only in college for two months before being sent on teaching practice to various schools; in the second term therefore we will be required to pay nothing. In the third term we will return for the crucial final Diploma paper.
Bro. Lapulani Malata


The whole Bible is the only true message from God, entirely inspired by Him. There is only one God, the Father, who created the world as described in Genesis. The Holy Spirit is the power of God, no one possesses its miraculous powers today. Jesus was born the Son of God by the power of the Holy Spirit. He was also son of man, through Mary. Jesus overcame all temptation and died to save his followers from sin and from eternal death. Jesus was raised from the dead by God; he later ascended bodily to heaven and is immortal. Jesus will return to earth and raise from the dead all who have known and understood the gospel. He will judge them and grant eternal life to the faithful. Jesus will rule as King over the ancient kingdom of God restored in Israel. His capital will be Jerusalem and he will be assisted by his immortal followers in ruling the world. The Kingdom will result in everlasting righteousness and peace on earth and all problems, sin, pain and death will finally be removed. The ‘devil’ is another name for sin, overcome by Jesus. Salvation involves the forgiveness of sin now and ultimate freedom from both sin and death following acceptance by Christ at his second coming. When a man dies he ceases to exist; no part of him goes on living. The only hope of everlasting life is by resurrection of the body at the return of Christ. Belief in God’s promises concerning the Kingdom of God and the work of Jesus Christ is essential. These promises were made to Abraham, David etc. and relate to Christ and those who are Christ’s., Belief, repentance and baptism into Christ by immersion in water are now required by God of all who would become ‘brethren in Christ’ and "heirs of salvation". Followers of Jesus need to live lives that will please and honour God.
Bro. Bornwell Mudenda

Thank you very much for the book, ‘Where There Is No Doctor’. I need more books talking about health care; this is the thing that I’m doing as a home-based care giver looking after sick people in the community.
Bro. Lameck Mtonga

At this time of year I am at the farm and have planted 15kg of cotton in my field and also tomatoes in my garden. The Danavant Company, who deal mainly with cotton farmers, provide cotton seeds to its registered members; the Company also provides chemicals to its members after checking and having seen that the cotton has grown well and nearly ready to be sprayed. It was in the year 2002 that I registered as a member and started planting cotton at the farm. Now the cotton is healthy and needs machine spraying so that worms etc. do not damage the leaves, flowers etc. The Company supply a sprayer, but only one per group of 15 people and therefore it takes a long time to get the sprayer as there are more than 15 in our group and the Company is unable to supply more. Because of this problem I would very much like to have my own sprayer, as it takes too long waiting in the group. Also, if I had my own sprayer I could use it for the tomatoes as well. If anyone could help me to get a sprayer of my own I would be thankful.
Bro. Webster Hambula

My family and I are quite fine. This is to let you know that I have received everything you posted and I thank you kindly. I am very thankful for the work you are doing by encouraging me towards God’s word and truth.
Bro. Joshua Muchili

God made this world and made man to be in control of all that he had created. Because of His tender love we are united spiritually; I know you and am able to call you'‘Brother'’ through Jesus Christ our Master though you are miles and miles away overseas. This is very wonderful. I was delighted to receive your letter and the most wanted copy of the debate with ‘Rev’ Jacqueline Henry, indeed this was a very crucial and sensitive issue.
Bro. John Kasanda

I am very grateful to receive, ‘Where There Is No Doctor’, the book ‘Demons’ by Bro. Duncan and the ‘Revision Studies’ booklet, also the news items. In this country it will soon be very difficult for an ordinary person to write a letter abroad due to postage costs. I do appreciate your efforts to assist me in every way humanly possible.
Bro. Elvin Muntemba

I wish to congratulate the CAT for their effort in spreaching the gospel in countries where Christians can be persecuted. Despite death threats you are not afraid to go and preach to those in prison. For this reason I am also determined to do the work of our Master. A while back I was distributing ‘Present Day Events" in park lands near Lubambe centre. When I gave one to a lady she read about God’s plan on Bush’s re-election and Arafat’s death. She asked me who I was and I told her I am a Christadelphian. She said, You know that people in this world think that singing and dancing in churches (as is the case in our country) is the way to worship God. The true gospel of God has past its true identity, so keep on what you are doing. I have received eight copies of the English Bible Basics, plus a KJV wide margin Bible. Surely this will be a success in helping towards the proclamation of the word of God because of it containing (1) the Bible Companion reading tables and (2) a summary of Christadelphian doctrines, all of which will help the reader to understand the word of God. I wish to inform you that I have started a new way of distributing Bible Basics. I try to infiltrate our doctrines into other churches; I begin with six copies of Bible Basics. I supplied a Christian bookshop in Kitwe town; this bookshop is frequented by people of different churches. If some of them begin to read and study Bible Basics they will share what they read with their fellow church members and, by God’s grace, the true Bible teaching will be known by many more people (Hab. 2:14). So please, if possible, send more English Bible Basics; I will try the same tactics in other towns of the Copperbelt.
Bro. Robert Miwele 

Photo: Left Bro. Robert Miwele with Bro. Elvin Muntemba

As a matter of interest, I became a Brother last year, on April 18th. I came into contact with the truth in the Northern part of my country when my parents thought of moving there. I met Bre. Evans Mwansa and Stephen Chanda who shared the truth with me openly. Please send me Gospel News because I enjoy reading the encouraging articles and Christian experiences as we await Jesus’ coming.
Bro. Jaxon Kalumba Jnr.


I was an active Catholic before I joined the Christadelphians. In 1994 I heard the call from the Lord God through Bro. Nelson Bwalya and other brethren from Kitwe ecclesia. When I was only a contact I was doing my work in politics, being well known and feeling very pompous. I left worldly things in 1997 and was baptised in 1998. Nowadays in Misaka we are six baptised brothers – no sisters. We have tried to preach the gospel, but fail in this area; they are coming to have knowledge, but doing like Nicodemus did to Jesus. Their children come to my home like beggars and fear political leaders.
Bro. Costa Mwapa

I’m so glad to hear that you will be sending me the books, ‘Where There Is No Doctor’ and, ‘How To Grow A Balanced Diet’; this will, indeed, help a lot. It all needs perseverance to have some of the things you mentioned go in the direction we want – that is as long as it doesn’t take wings overnight. You really need to spell out your ideas, which at first only a few will realize and go in your direction because of its importance. I like the saying, If you give a man a fish he will eat at once. If you teach him to fish he will eat for the rest of his life. It’s good you talked of three areas of concern, which I concur with. This will have an impact which many of us are going to really appreciate.
Bro. Wilfred Chibomba

I would like to start the Correspondence Course that is in two parts, ‘Introducing Bible Basics’ and from the Bible Basics manual. The other thing is, can you help me with a King James Bible. I gave the one I had to someone who didn’t have a Bible, so I’m using the NIV, but when we’re having a Bible study it is difficult to follow without a KJ Bible. If you can please help me I will be very happy.
Bro. Martin Sinrukwai

I am writing this letter to tell you that I really love having the ‘Introducing Bible Basics’. We really know that the word of God is the light to our path and we try to live by it. We should all continue working for the Lord, for we know well that our labour is not in vain, for we shall enter His rest when Jesus returns to set up the Kingdom. I also have to inform you that my father has changed our address to above.
Sis. Esther Muntete

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