News from Africa
I have not been able to reply because of the situation of war in our country. Your booklets have helped me very much, please go on sending them to others; the Lord will give you back whatever is due to you.
Sis Elysee Nimpagaritse
Thank you for the wonderful work you are doing in the missionary field. We run a radio programme here with help from Bro Andrew Walker. This programme is broadcast every Sunday morning and is known as The CBM Half Hour of exhortation over radio Hot Coffee. I find Gospel News magazine most helpful. Articles from Gospel News have been used for broadcasting, for example in Jan/Feb 2005 we broadcast the article “Why Delay Being Baptised”? by Sis Laura Burdekin of the UK and “Never Give Up, Get Going” by Bro Joseph Oppong of Ghana on different Sunday mornings. On several occasions the public have requested a re-broadcast.
Bro Emmanuel Nanji
I am grateful that you didn’t delay in writing when you heard of the falling asleep, in Christ, of my father, Brother Charles Aboagye. I read your letter to the whole family to signify that we have got Brethren and Sisters outside Ghana. I want you to thank the Brethren and Sisters in Ghana for the love they showed to me during this time and I know you would have done the same had you been here. Send my sincere gratitude to other Brothers and Sisters in England who contributed in one way or another.
Bro. William Aboagye
As we are all aware, troubles in the world still continue in this year of 2005, with all our hopes depending upon the coming of the Lord to put things right. We therefore must support each other on our walk to the Kingdom, which our good Master, the Lord Jesus Christ, is coming to set up on the earth, when there shall be no more sickness, pain or death for those found faithful by him. So let us all hold fast to the end. You will be happy to hear that Sis. Cecilia is now keeping up in health. The Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance is very useful to me in my studies; thank you very much for making it possible for me to have it.
Bro Joseph Oppong

Photo: Bro. John K. Dadzie (Winneba)
Photo: The meeting hall at Shama Junction. In the front row are four newly baptised Brethren and Sisters.
I am writing this morning from Queen Ann’s Point “Ekon” near Cape Coast. You will be very glad to hear that, with the assistance of our Almighty Father, we have baptised two souls, they are the wife of Brother Joseph Agyemang, Sister Monica Williams Agyemang and the nephew of Brother Joel Acquah, Brother Stephenson Joel Aidoo. Brothers Joseph and Thomas from Accra witnessed these baptisms. We pray that our Almighty Father will guide them to the coming Kingdom. Amen.
Brother Lawrence Nkrumah
I have finally received your letter, Gospel News and other things. Sincerely, I am grateful indeed for your kind gestures and for other things provided in the past. This testifies that we are working in one accord and for the one destination - the coming Kingdom of God. We hear of the many many preaching efforts you make outside of Great Britain, meeting many Brothers and Sisters and friends to study the scriptures. Here in Kenya, many Brothers and Sisters cannot afford to travel to gather to see each other and share their problems and to have Bible discussions. There is much poverty prevailing among Brothers and Sisters in the country and the only hope we have is for the Kingdom to come fast when God’s will shall be done on earth as it is done in heaven. Language is a problem and it reminds me of what happened after the flood. But we have the hope of one language being restored in the coming Kingdom (Zeph. 3:8-9). Please kindly send me copies of Introducing Bible Basics and Bible Basics; they will be most useful to me and other friends this side who are eager and willing to learn from the scriptures.
Bro. Raphael Joni Aimo
Photo: Bro. Raphael Aimo, second from right, with some Brothers and
Sisters outside Kibera ecclesial hall, Nairobi, after partaking of the
As it is hard, and even very dangerous, to preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God and the Lord Jesus Christ in some countries, I would like to urge Brothers and Sisters in such countries to seek those things which are above, where Christ is at the right hand of God, where our life is hid. Because, as the Bible says, the sufferings we are seeing and facing in this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us when the Lord Jesus returns. I always pray for such Brothers and Sisters, and even those in the midst of other denominations where the true word of God cannot be accepted very easily. I would urge them, and indeed all of us, to stick to what we have got no matter what it takes, hoping that our King will soon descend to reward those worthy with everlasting life. I pray that Brothers and Sisters in the whole world will remain strong in faith and prayerfully obedient as we eagerly wait for our Master and, by God’s grace, eternal life in the Kingdom.
Bro. Vincent Odhiambo
I am writing during this time when the world is witnessing what they never expected in their lives. It is a time of sorrow to me as a Christian and all others who have seen the situation in the Indian Ocean in the news media, like radio and television. The cause can be explained by scientific hypothesis, but to me it seems to be beyond human knowledge and understanding because God is the one who created the earth and He is the one who has power over nature.
At Mount Sinai, the Israelites cried when God came in thunder and lightning. To prove that God has power over nature, He sent a terrifying situation accompanied by thunder, earthquakes and lightning. During the time of Noah, God had used water to ensure that only Noah and his family, who only was faithful to Him, survived through the boat he was instructed to make. The Israelite had to ask Moses to intervene with God (Exodus 19; 34:10).
However, God has a good life that is coming if only the people can change and give their lives to God in a trusting faith today. Jehovah is ready to change every harmful event in their lives (read Isaiah 65:17-25).
Bro. Jared Oleo Nyateng
I saw the advertisement for ‘Where There is No Doctor’; it is a great book, as is Bible Basics! Ahero is not an ecclesia; two of us are still in isolation. Did I ever tell you the story about an incident in the waters on my baptism day? We were about five to be baptised and some were preparing to take photos. One of them saw strange movements our way, so he stopped, but did not notify the others. It was a crocodile fighting his way to us. Sadly, the ceremony ended and all of us were at last out of the water.
Bro. Nelson Annyal
Thank you for the Gospel News that you send. I am enclosing a photo.
Sis. Lydia Fuchaka
Photo taken of Cherangany ecclesia. held in the home of Sis.
Fuchaka. From left Sis. Lydia, Sis. Agnes Koech, Bro. John Chege and
Bro. Benjamin Koech.
I have five young friends undertaking the Sunday School lessons; one is a girl aged 14, very active; I will try and find some suitable material for her. Thank you for your letter and the literature enclosed, it is of great interest. Also the packet of 2005 Bible calendars arrived safely; thanks a lot for these. Last November I had the opportunity of attending a Bible School at Kamukuywa and I found the studies very interesting and thought provoking. Brethren and Sisters from neighbouring ecclesias also managed to attend. The recent earthquake claimed many lives and caused a lot of damage. To the world it was just another catastrophe, but to us it is another signal that our Lord Jesus is soon to appear. Our redemption is much nearer than when we first believed.
Bro. Geoffrey Chirchir
I’m so sorry for having taken so long to write. I’d like to inform you that I’m holding a Bible discussion with three contacts, one of them is now attending the Sunday meetings. Being French-speaking was an excuse by the other two for not attending the meetings so I decided to open up an English training three times a week. I therefore request an English dictionary, if possible. I would also appreciate it if you could send two copies of Bible Basics in French. Please pray God that these friends may join us in the way to the Kingdom.
Bro. Innocent Baruani

Bro. Innocent Baruani and friend, Ishimwenge
We know that Jesus is now immortal and that he intercedes for us. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and no one can come to the Father except by him. I was sorry not to have attended the meeting last year, but the letters, which were sent to me, were late. Also, my elder son was riding a bicycle from Eldoret to home and a Tanzanian lorry knocked him down and he was admitted to Eldoret hospital where he stayed for three months.
Bro Henry Mwei

Photo: Bro. Henry
I was delighted to read the debate on Women’s Role in the Church. Where possible, send me more Bible literature. If you have any English/Kiswahili translations to be done I am ready to do it freely since I have a lot of spare time. Also, if you have Sunday School material I would be glad to have it to teach some children in an orphanage.
Bro. Joseph Kanyi Kingori

Photo: Bro. Joseph Kingori
I think of the man David, son of Jesse. We read from the Psalms (15:1-5), “Lord, who shall abide in Thy tabernacle? Who shall dwell in Thy holy hill?” Every Brother and Sister all over the world hopes to have a share in God’s coming Kingdom on earth. We are aware of where it will be established because the Scriptures testify the truth – with Divine authority David was promised a Son who would reign and take over the kingdoms of this world: “He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest, and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David” (Luke 1:32). Jesus warned us to watch and pray because we do not know when he will return. We must remain firm in the true faith of Abraham. Jesus Christ, the seed of Abraham, has set the supreme example for the human race to follow; he is a living witness to our faith, he is the Author of salvation, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Jesus died and was restored to life again; he conquered sin, which has the power of death.
Bro. John Owalo Onani
I was very happy when I read in Gospel News about the book ‘How to Grow a Balanced Diet’ and request a copy from you. Apart from helping me to grow in faith, this book you offer will teach me how I might get more food for the family. I have got a small farm, but it cannot produce enough food, so over the year I harvest very little.
Bro. Henry Kitingia
Thanks for writing, I was pleased to receive from you. The Lord is still with me and the children, despite the odds and ills in life, having to go without food at certain times. I am improving bit by bit in health. There are a lot of special foods and drugs I was advised to take, but there are no funds. In summary, we are in great suffering, but our hearts are still hopeful that the Lord Jesus will soon come and solve all our problems. I’m happy that you’ve been praying for us and I beg you should continue persistently. You enclosed a copy of contact person in Kenya regions for welfare, but I have met a rude shock that Bro Benedict Miruka is no longer alive (he has fallen asleep). However, I’m hoping that if you forwarded my letters to Bro.’ Phil Lawrence, then they may consider my case. Maybe you didn’t see that I was diagnosed for TB and meningitis.
Bro Odiwuor
I am so grateful for all the wonderful things sent to me about the Bible, through the help of our Master, Jesus Christ. I read them all and feel my faith is getting deeper. You are strengthening my faith through this work. As we all know that our Master is nearer than ever before, there is nothing to do than spread the gospel worldwide. Here there are several people seriously interested in what I am telling them. If possible, would you send me two Bible Basics. Let us remember that the world God made was not a world of want, disease and death. He made it a place of plenty, health and life. Man’s sin and the result of it brought about the sufferings we see. Even for God’s own people this is the place of groaning (Rom. 8:22-23). The question the world really should be asking themselves is: Why should we expect anything except pain and death? For this world is full of rebellion against its Creator. To reject the Giver of all life should mean the loss of life. Yet the God of mercy keeps on letting people live on this earth. He gives them blessings (Matt. 5:45) and time to learn and turn to Him before it is too late, yet many are so thoughtless and thankless.
Bro. Eason Makwecha
Be assured that your efforts in producing Gospel News are not in vain. The news and various testimonies contained therein have completely changed my life. I now know God as a caring Father and really present every time we need Him. Also, Bible Basics has greatly transformed my world view as a Christian. I thank God for instilling this love in you to share with the world what God is doing.
Bro. Pickmore Swira
Thank you for responding to my letter by sending literature and Bible Basics which helped me with some of the answers to the questions I asked. I would also let you know that a ‘study manual’ alone won’t help during Bible study time. I have no Bible to refer to the chapters and verses contained in various topics. So could you please send me a Bible to help me know the truth? I believe we can only find the truth from the Bible. I want to dedicate myself to working for the Lord. Help me by prayer that I might be a strong believer of Christ and of God. I was sorry to hear about Bro. Sasha, who fell asleep in Christ, but there is the hope of the resurrection with the coming of the awaited King.
Stuart Bingala
I am very much pleased with the Gospel News books you sent to us. I received them. I failed to respond to your letter because I had no money. Here in Malawi, I’m still preaching the Gospel. As of now I have seven churches which I visit.. In the past I received a bicycle now the bicycle is not in good condition because the tyres, tubes and other spare parts are worn out. So if I happen to visit other churches, I have to travel on foot; I am unable financially to buy these parts for the bicycle.
Bro B. Chipala

Photo: Bro Chipala Sitting
Photo: Brethren at Phalombe Ecclesia

I am a self-employed person and conduct Bible seminars regularly, more especially along the lake shore region where our doctrines are not yet discerned by the general public. Bro. Emmanuel Mphambe from S. Africa has been here to support us and has told us to work hard. Gospel News has brought something fruitful to all of us who get a copy. The book ‘Where There is No Doctor’ will be so helpful to me if you could send me a copy.
Bro. Austin F. Nyirenda
After reading about the book, ‘Where There Is No Doctor’ I felt I should request a copy for our Sengabay ecclesia, which we will share with two other ecclesias. Four people were baptised in August last year at Chinguluwe in Salima, they are: Bro. Austin Frank Nyirenda, Sis. Emily Mayimba, from Sengabay, Sis. Gladys Mphambo and Sis. Eunice Mphambo from Chapita ecclesia, also in Salima. We also had two more baptisms in October last year at Sengabay in the fresh waters of Lake Malawi. Lovingly, the two baptised are a couple, Bro. Jailos and his wife, Sis. Chimwemwe Jailos.
Bro. George Nkhoma
Photos: (1) Sis. Chimwemwe Jailos being baptised by Bro. George Nkhoma and (2) Bro. Jailos being baptised by Bro. Jonas Ngwanda

Concerning the translation of booklets in different languages, I
feel honoured and excited to help in the spreading of the gospel all
round the globe. I can translate – or better – I understand English,
French and Mauritian Creole.
Bro. Vikram Permall
The Sunday School materials which you thought I may have received have not yet arrived. I hope, God willing, they will surely come. I am happy to hear about your activities; I am sure by the grace of God all will be well with your endeavours. Can you favour me with ‘Eureka’ and some Christadelphian song (hymn) books?
Bro. Friday Ekeleme Umesi
I have already distributed 10 Bible Basics in N. Sotho language and now I have to distribute another 10. I enjoy this so much. I have been highlighting to people about ‘Living with Alcoholism’; they seem to like this booklet. Many people are trapped in alcohol. Please send me more of these booklets. Thank you for uplifting my spirits. Our country is dying; it is becoming empty with youth dying of alcohol and drugs, not excluding HIV. I am prepared to stand up and distribute the booklets, although my gout is giving me no rest.
Bro. Francis Chauke
Thank you so much for allowing us in South Africa to be able to read copies of Bible Basics. I recently borrowed the Library edition and found so much information that I was not informed about through the church. Unfortunately I had to return it to the library. Please can I have a copy of this book and any other book from which I can gather more information about the Bible? I am a new Christian, so I need all the info that I can get, something about fasting and how it should be done
Miss Melanie G. Moodly
I was laid low for about a week, but by the grace of our Heavenly Father got the right medicine. I am well now. I have the same problem that Bro. Roberts had in understanding Rev. 13:1-18. Kindly send me some literature if possible. I would also like two Hymn books (large print) please. I am holding on to the Truth. There are so many churches around here that it is hard to build an ecclesia, but God, our Heavenly Father, is always strengthening me; I am getting stronger every day. I often break bread alone and am lonely. I hope and pray that you are all well. Please do not forget me here.
Bro. Elijah Rabaji
In my Camp Adventist pastors hung loudspeakers on the top of trees in order to abuse all churches who meet to pray to God on Sundays. This lasted for two weeks at the playground of Muyovozi Camp. Many churches were very angry and took the pastors to the police office. Beloved, is it true that only those who pray on Sundays will appear in front of the court of the Lord? Let us read what is written in Col. 2:16-17:
Bro Isaac Habonimana
Thank you indeed for your letter; it is always very nice to hear from you and feel the brotherly love that binds us all strongly in the Lord. I am strengthened very much when I read about the work of God being achieved by Brethren and Sisters world wide. We have to pray earnestly for the Kingdom to come; the world is full of wickedness and cruelty towards other people. Our ecclesia of Lugufu 1 has written to the Christadelphian Save the Children Fund, Canada, to get kits for our scholars. We have 35 children who attend Sunday School regularly.
Bro. Isidore Mwibeleca
We thank God for our visitors: Bre. Tim Evans (UK), Samy Mutunga (Kenya), Benoit Mukedi (Arusha). We were pleased to have the exhortation on Zechariah 9:9. Thanks also to Bro. Mike Harris who sent books, pens etc. and for his encouragement. Also to Sis. Jo of UK who sent us more lessons for the children. We shall be pleased if other Brethren world wide will have the courage to visit us and to send us more materials for preaching, which all helps to increase our faith.
Bro. Amnobe Iyungu
Bro. Amnobe Iyungu (right) and a friend
Our ecclesia is going on well. Firstly, services are held. Second, the Sunday School is still going on, but we are short of books, in particular Bible Basics so (Third) we need more books. Fourth, according to our report of June last year, we want to ask especially regarding the completing of our church: benches, table and so on. What stage has this matter reached? Finally, we thank you for our new Post Box Number, which we got this year. NB We succeeded in receiving back our Bro. Moris Ebuela and we are attending all the services together. May the peace of Jesus Christ dwell among you.
Brethren of Kagunga ecclesia
It was a very great day when I opened the parcel of literature in front of my family. We all knelt down and prayed to thank God. Please will you kindly send me the two courses, Introducing Bible Basics and Bible Basics study manual? I have also read in Gospel News that a book called ‘How to Grow a Balanced Diet’ is available and I hereby request a copy for my ecclesia.
Bro James Mwangomo
We all should be steadfast in waiting for Jesus Christ our King. Here in Morogoro I persist in proclaiming the everlasting Gospel. I need Bible course books for teaching them, and I beseech you, brother, to send these books very soon.
Bro. Simon A. Mpazi
The number of interested people here was good, but has decreased from 20 to six. The problem is that we have no proper place to meet (ecclesial hall). We have a plot, but are weak economically. I send a photo. I need you to send me Bible Basics in Kiswahili and thank you for remembering me with Gospel News, by letters which strengthen me and also for the calendar.
Bro. Ezra Baruti

Photo showing Bro. Ezra Baruti, & Bro. Ezra’s wife with S.S. young people
Many thanks for helping me to know the Truth of God since 1992 until now. Is it possible for me to have Bible Basics in Kiswahili?
Bro. Joffrey Chiwanga
Because of isolation, I would like to pass my sincere gratitude to my tutor, Sis. Hilary A. Iredale, who used to send me various literature which helped me grow up spiritually. I also ask her to go on sending different materials concerning God’s word. I also call on other fellow-believers to write or visit those of us who are in isolation so that we do not feel lonely.
Bro. Joseph N.L. Milahula
I would like to thank you for the book on Jacob and Esau. I got one book on learning English from my Sister Sonia Hemingray in France, but because of poverty I haven’t any teacher, so it is very difficult.
Bro. Mathias Nyelele
Photo from left: Sis. Elizabeth and Bro. Mathias Nyelele and Bro. Sadoki after Bible study.
I am writing with a request that you send to us copies of ‘How to Grow a Balanced Diet’ and ‘Where There is No Doctor’. The titles of the books suggest they will prove to be of great help to us here.
Bro. Gabriel Mesa Mwaliasapi
We sadly inform you of the falling asleep of our Brother Godfrey Mwakasege at Bugando Hospital (Mwanza town). The funeral took place in the Usagara area on January 26th . Our Brother rests peacefully until the coming of Jesus, which we pray will be very soon.
Bro. Joctor Rufano
The Lord Jesus, at his second appearing, will come in power and great glory. One of the first works will be to fulfil his foreordained office as Judge of living and dead: “I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the quick (living) and the dead at his appearing and his Kingdom…” (2 Tim. 4: `1). Divine judgment is a subject upon which few care to dwell, nevertheless it occupies a place – and not a small one – in God’s message, and we neglect it at our peril. Those who listened to the spirit-endowed teachers of the first century heard much concerning judgment to come (Acts 10:42; 17:30-31). The dissolute Felix heard of it from the apostle Paul (Acts 24:25). Both Paul and Peter taught it as an essential feature in the message which they had to deliver (Rom. 2:16). Cornelius listened to it from the lips of Peter: “And he commanded us to preach unto the people and to testify that it is he which was ordained of God to be the Judge of quick and dead” (Acts 10:42). It is possible to stand before Christ in the day of judgment and be ashamed. The scriptures provide ample instruction to this end (Ecc. 12:14; 2 Cor. 5:10; 1 John 2:28). Let us be wise and give heed to these things. The Lord Jesus is coming soon; his reward is with him and he will give to every one of us according to what we have done (Rev. 22:12). The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people.
Bro. Shadrack Ngambi
In Busia we have baptised three (new) Sisters this year. We now all encourage each other as we journey to the Kingdom. May this be the year of our Lord's return. Could you help to get me a sponsor for the ‘Testimony’ magazine? God bless you.
Bro. Fredrick Wabwire
Thanks for endeavouring to supply preaching material to us; we are very happy to have it. I am glad to inform you that Busia ecclesia is doing very well. We have many contacts and many Brothers. We also attend Sunday services in the morning and practice choir in the evening. On Saturdays, during evening hours, we always have a Bible class for contacts and Brothers, too. Wednesdays we move home-to-home preaching when invited by Brothers who might have contacts. We thank CBM for buying some land for us. I request, if possible, some copies of Introducing Bible Basics and some Bible Basics for our contacts. I am training as a primary teacher.
Bro. Mayende Erisania
I have shifted from Kasama isolation to Chambishi where I will at least manage to break bread and fellowship with the Brethren and Sisters at Kitwe, which is some 50kms from Chambishi. Kasama is semi-urban, as a result employment is very scarce. Due to this, my health condition did not allow me to stay there because I couldn’t afford the medication both for my family and myself. I started working with a bricklayer as his handyman until I came to learn the trade myself. The only problem that lingers now is the fact that I do not have enough money to go on the Institute for a trade test, yet I am confident and have faith that the Almighty Father of our Lord Jesus will provide, because He knows what I need before I ask Him. I always have a vision that this will happen one day because of the trust that I have in Him. I am grateful that the Lord is with me always, ever since I became a Christadelphian. I walked in total darkness before I learned the Truth. I’ve been in different types of denominations, but without finding the light; I even believed in the Trinity, meaning that God was co-equal with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Today I am free of this pagan theory. I am thankful to our Heavenly Father that He has blessed us abundantly by giving us the privilege of entering another year as we await the second coming of our glorious Saviour. I pray that our Brothers and Sisters world wide continue walking tirelessly toward the Kingdom. My family joins me in passing our heartfelt regards to you all.
Bro. Willies Simbowe
Thank you very much for the letter and Magazine. I am enclosing a photo to be put in Gospel News. The encouraging words I send are from John 14:1-4: “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I WILL COME AGAIN and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also”. I received the Magazines and books. My wife died on January 4 at Kalomo hospital after much suffering and has left three children with me. Everything is God’s will. These words make me look forward to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live” (John 5:25). “…for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light” (Rom. 13:11,12). My late wife, Naomi, is waiting for Jesus’ coming.
Bro. Lameck Mtonga

Photo: Bro. Mtonga
My husband, Bro. Shadreck Mwayer, passed away on November 23. I have a big problem in starting a new life alone. I was serving oranges, but now I am doing no work. Things are very hard; please pray for me.
Sis. Priscillar Lungowe Lubinda
Allow me to thank you for Gospel News and also in addition the wonderful copy of the Bible Reader’s calendar for 2005. I pray the Lord God will bless this work that it will continue getting better and better against the pressures of this sinful world. “…proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them” (Eph. 5:10,11). The great day of his appearing is drawing very, very near: “For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?” (Rev. 6:17; Mal. 3:2). We shall – God willing!
Bro. Elvin Muntemba
I want to inform you that our two Brothers, Augustine Mfunge and Kenneth Lumana, fell asleep early last year. We are now only two Brothers in Livingstone, Evans and me.
Bro. Ben K. Matale
I got your message and was very happy because I like reading from you, because the message you people send to us is good. You see, we in Zambia are very interested in knowing the Bible and knowing it for the purpose of being doers and not only hearers, but we really do need your help so always write to us. Myself, for example, I was baptized a few years ago into the SDA church, so I need somebody to really build me up, and I thank Bro. Kunda who has been a great help. I am a student.
Aaron Chipulu Salamo
I value contact with all brothers and sisters. I live in Lusaka but I rarely get to the meeting in Matero because it is far for me and there is the cost of fuel. But I send greetings to all my brothers and sisters.
Bro. Xavier Musonda.
Here is a picture of me along with my wife and family

Thank you for the literature and Bible Basics you sent to me. I was baptised in April last year at Matero ecclesia. I decided to be in the family of the Christadelphians after the Truth was preached to me. I am therefore requesting a Bible or a second-hand one. I have been trying to get one at my ecclesia, but they can’t find me one. I can buy one, but those with concordance and references are rarely found..
Bro. Jaxon Kalumba
The Zambia Committee was touring the provinces and Bro. Kelly Simayumbula, together with Bro. Arnold Kunda, were assigned to visit Brothers and Sisters as well as students in the Southern province. So it was nice to have them visit us on Dec. 13 on their way from Livingstone to Mazabuka. Among things discussed was the issue of Regional groupings, where all members can have the chance to attend and share the good news of our Lord, who is soon to come.
Bro Wilfred Chibomba
I would like to inform my Brothers and Sisters world wide that I have come back to Nakonde after some 3-4 years. As you know, many of us have been leaving our homes to look for employment in towns. But after all this time of wandering, I have come back to rejoin my Bro. Zacchaeus Muntete and the rest of his family. It was good to be with them again. At this time I went to the book of Genesis when Joseph was not with his family and then when he revealed himself to his brothers. Then what about when his father, Jacob, heard that Joseph was still alive! As we all know, he was very happy. I, too, was happy to be with the family of God. We are still in isolation, but we feel good when we receive letters and books; we know that we are not alone. And we have our God who cares for us. We thank you for your prayers. May the Lord bless us all as we walk together towards the Kingdom, which God has promised to us, if we walk in His ways.
Bro. Martin Simukwai
Photo: Bro. Martin Simukwai
Thank you very much for the book, ‘Where There is no Doctor’. We are all very delighted to have such a nice useful book. We all send our gratitude to the sponsor. Would it be possible to also receive ‘How to Grow a Balanced Diet’? It will be good to know how to manage a good diet with the barest of resources. It is good to work for the Lord quietly as He is able to see the labours of all His sincere workers and will definitely reward them for all their toil for Him. From Gospel News we have seen the way the seed is being sown and taking root in so many places. The world is facing a lot of trouble – from man’s own making to natural disasters; the recent Tsunami catastrophe, which startled many people, is a case in point. However, we are not surprised by such occurrences, as our Master warned such things would come to herald his coming. In the face of all that the world is going through, we “look up, and lift up our heads, for our redemption draweth nigh” (Luke 21:28).
Bro. Zacchaeus and Sis. Eunice Muntete
If you have an old Holy Bible (KJV or RSV), please send one of the two; I will be very happy. I am appealing to all readers of Gospel News to keep sending information. I once more thank all those Brothers and Sisters who help by donating to the work. No one will reward you but the Lord God himself. Please all read the hymn 268 in the Christadelphian Hymn Book, ‘Brethren, let us walk together…’ I am fine, but having some problems in finding employment here in Zambia, but with the good hand of the Lord God we are surviving. I am hoping that, God willing, I may find a job in one of the companies I applied to.
Bro. Harris Ndong’a Mulongesha

Left Bro. Harris Mulongesha and Bro. Dez Machila
Could you send me a copy of ‘Where There Is No Doctor’? You are more than a blood brother; you are not doing this work of the Lord God and His Son, Jesus our Lord, in vain. Our hope is beyond the grave. You are casting your net on the other side of the boat and finding that you can “catch men” (John 21:6). Gospel News is very interesting, I do enjoy it a lot, and especially your editorials they are excellent. We’re marching towards the Kingdom of God, forward with the word of God; we shall never turn back like Lot’s wife. In our country life is not easy, but our Lord God is going to deliver us from all our troubles. Let us keep on worshipping Him in spirit and in truth.
Bro. James Mwanza
I was happy to receive Gospel News for Nov/Dec which was packed with good things. It was sad to read of Nigerian atrocities. We all need to be strong, like Paul. The spirit permitted him to go to Macedonia after he had a vision. As with Paul, God instructs us on what to do.. We must all surely endure to the end. “To him who overcomes, I will give him the right to sit with me on my throne” (Rev. 3:21). You can go ahead with the leaflet on soya beans; I think it good if we take such measures for the benefit of our Brothers and Sisters.
Bro. Wilfred Chibomba
Things are not stable here in our country; Post Offices have been closed for quite a long time with no delivery. The workers were on strike for two solid months. We are glad for what is coming – the new creation, the new heavens and the new earth. Let us pray for this time, which Christ will bring when he returns.
Bro. David B. Yelulan
God has power over everything. This knowledge encourages us to grow spiritually and have a good standard of practice. I live in isolation and my closest ecclesia is Harare, about 88km away. However, I break bread once or twice a month with fellow Brothers and Sisters, if there are no interruptions, but most of the time I am alone at home. I am enclosing my photo repairing a pair of shoes and in front is a grinder for smoothing heels, rubber materials etc. I am self-employed as a cobbler since jobs are hard to come by. I pray to God to solve all my problems and deliver me from all the troubles I am facing. I also have to cater for the family of my late uncle and I am really desperate. I should be really grateful to anyone who could help me get equipment for my shoe repair project. Greetings to all Brothers and Sisters in the gracious love of God.
Bro. Joseph Mucheri

Photo: Bro. Joseph Mucheri (‘Shoe Doctor’)
For strong words of encouragement my family and I always remind ourselves that we have a Brother who cares for us in UK. Thank you and your family. We are happy to have entered the ‘new life’. God still wants us to do His work. We are preaching the word and it is bearing fruit. Please send me Bible Basics. ‘Forward ever, backward never’. We love the Magazine. “The wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure, then peace loving, full of love, mercy and good fruit. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness (James 3:17,18). As I write, my wife, Susan, is suffering from a severe head and back ache. She needs to see a doctor in two days after completing her drug course. We as a friendly family to yours ask your prayers for her swift recovery.
Bro. Farai Phiri
Let us remember that there is only one mediator, that is Jesus Christ. He is the only one in the middle between God and man. So-called ‘Spirits of the dead’ cannot take the prayers of
humans to God. Some people believe that the spirit of the dead person can give advice to the living relatives. Let us look at some of the Bible chapters.
Ecclesiastes 9:10,
“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave where you are going there is neither working nor planning, nor knowledge, nor wisdom.”
Psalm 6:5, “For in death there is no remembrance of thee; in the grave who shall give thee thanks?”
Ecclesiastes 9:5-6 “For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing and have no further reward.”
With these three chapters it shows us that the dead cannot communicate with anyone; only when the Lord returns from heaven will some of the dead be raised. In the meantime the dead know nothing.
Bro Emanuel Kondowe
I am writing to tell you that God is working miracles for our ecclesia. We are now
nine Brothers and we are looking forward to more members being added to our numbers in due course, God willing. A number of people are showing interest in the Bible truth and it is a sign that the truth is growing. Please pass my love to all the Brethren.
Bro. Joshua Pakali
Greetings in our Lord Jesus Christ through whom, by his grace, we have hope and life. When he comes may we be with him in the Kingdom. Brothers, I am so happy to receive your letter. I thank God for the lessons on the truth about God. I now have joy and my mind is now at peace as I stated in my testimony. My family and I have found the Truth and my children, Faith, Naomi, Emmanuel, Nabothi and Portiaw are students of Kariba ecclesia, and will, God willing, be added to us. I repeat that I am so happy to receive the books to strengthen my understanding of the truth of Bible teaching.
Bro. David Mhondiwa

Photo: Bro. David Mhondiwa with his family
Here in Zimbabwe, Karoi in particular, we are walking in the light of our Heavenly Father. Gospel News being sent to us is being helpful in spreading the word. To all that are sacrificing their money to sponsor the work of Almighty God and our beloved Brethren and Sisters who tirelessly work hard to produce this educative magazine, I wish you to continue the good job. We pray for you and hopefully the whole world is doing the same. I stay many miles from Chishumba but am always in touch with them by prayer and Bible reading every day, as this is what every Christadelphian does. I am also asking for your prayers as I am working towards introducing a number of students to know God through Bible lessons. A number of contacts are busy reading and answering questions, which I am helping them with. However, reading on their own is hindered by the lack of English Bibles; I have one, which they rotate.
Bro. Steven Tedza
We are not fine because of malaria and many other different diseases. We have found ‘Where There is No Doctor’ a very important guide to our health problems in teaching us what to do. We live a long way from a Health Centre, also no money for treatment, so we are suffering badly because of the diseases which are affecting us here in our ecclesia Lupane.
Bro. David Ngwenya
I was very happy the day I received a parcel of books. If I were a bird I would have leapt and flown in the air with joy! I have got a very big appetite for reading God’s word any time; this is my best work until Jesus comes. I was panning gold with my companion at the river Sanyati; it was a hard nut to crack. We worked hard for two weeks and got nothing, returning home with only our possessions. Prayerfully, Brothers and Sisters, if we have faith in our Lord, let us all remember that in every situation in our lives God is in control. I did not get the material that I sweated for and slept in bad conditions, but I’ve got the word of God, the pearl of life eternal. When I opened our PO Box I saw a big envelope addressed to me and on opening it saw the title, ‘Where There is No Doctor’. I sang hymn 43 and someone asked me, Why are you singing? I replied, I am happy today. Thank you, may God bless your work. Amen. I have written for the other book, ‘How to Grow a Balanced Diet’; as we are small-scale farmers this book will be very useful to us. This is the most wonderful love I have experienced since my baptism. Our bodies are very weak and can become sick at any time without notice.
Bro. Stanford Kuuzha

Photo: Bro. Stanford Kuuza
I thank our Heavenly Father who has given me this opportunity of writing to you. You know Zimbabwe is a small country, but full of corruption. In terms of the word of God, in our area here (rural) things are not settled, especially towards campaigns. People are treated rudely and being forced to do what they do not want and some are being killed due to politics. For us who know the word of God, we just put ourselves opposite, privately, due to the hope of eternal life. We meet now and then for breaking of bread and other activities like Bible study and Sunday School, taught by Bro. Stanford Kuuzha. Please do send me the book, ‘Where There is No Doctor’, as it will help very, very much in terms of daily circumstances. Also the book, ‘How to Grow a Balanced Diet’. Please, if you have the opportunity, try by all means to send me these books to help both our community and ecclesia. We still have more work to do regarding the word of God until Jesus comes to establish the Kingdom on earth. Let’s keep on encouraging one another and go everywhere God permits us to preach His word to the end of the world.
Bro Weston and Sis. Ruth Kamota
“Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged, and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?” (Matt. 7:1-3). Jesus Christ is the Son of God who is coming to take the judgment throne over the whole world; we pray that he will come very soon to take this throne. He will reign from Jerusalem, the capital city of the world. Brothers and Sisters, why do we want to take Jesus’ throne now by judging others? Will Jesus be happy when he comes and finds his throne already taken? Remember, how you judge others, Jesus will judge you also. So let him who has the authority to judge do this work. “Why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?”
Bro. Davison Mupariwa
I really thank you very much for all the literature you have sent. Please pray for me as I haven’t much time to attend meetings, as I am working. I am like someone who is in isolation due to lack of time. Please, if you can, continue your wonderful work of sending me literature, as it helps me to grow spiritually. I do really appreciate that our publications help the spreading of the gospel and also encourage dear Brothers and Sisters world wide, those as far as the Philippines, Australia, USA, Iraq, Iran and Israel.
I am sorry to inform you about the falling asleep in Christ of our dear Sister Alice Museba on the 26th March, and would like to comfort all with the words of 1 Thes 4:16-18
Bro. Simon Mudavose
For some months I was away from home, where I was employed by a certain man. I worked very hard in his gold mine, working day and night, sometimes sleeping under-ground in the mine. This man promised that he was going to give us a lot of money per month, because we were producing many grams of gold each and every day. But, Brother Marcus, my tears can come: the man refused to give us our payments as he said; if we carried on asking him he said he would shoot us and he added that we were eating his food while we were working at his mine. I walked for about 180kms home on foot, and at home all my young brothers and sisters, together with my parents, were expecting that I had come with something to help them. But at home I have read the booklet, ‘Why Does God Allow Suffering?’ and this booklet increased my faith and patience. I will try by all means to find something to do for my family so that they have something to eat. Bro. Marcus, your prayers are surely needed.
Bro. Patrick Chakaipa

Photo: Bro. Patrick Chakaipa with Bro. Steven Swain (UK)
Each and every one who wants to enter the Life gate must enter through the door and not through the window. If you enter any house through the window people will shout, ‘Thief!’ If they know you, they will ask, ‘What’s wrong with you?’ ‘Did you lose the keys?’ etc. To enter the Kingdom of God there is only one gate and that gate is Jesus Christ. In John 14:6 Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father (God’s Kingdom) except through me.” Some of us at Euzryone know that God is the Creator of the universe (although not everyone acknowledges it). As everyone needs Jesus as their Saviour and if they want to be in the Kingdom of God, they must accept Jesus as the Lord and Saviour – the Gateway. Come soon, Lord Jesus, and may people acknowledge you.
Bro Svuure. Faustino
I have been ‘lost’ for the past five years. I was in remote areas. I hardly received any magazines. I thank God for returning me to Zvishavane. Unfortunately my husband died in March last year; he was the first son of Bro. Walter Maniono and suffered from cerebral malaria. So I came back home with the three children. I appreciate the magazines for they spread the gospel news and give news of Brethren and Sisters. There is a lot of teaching in them and Brethren should continue writing about difficult topics such as the devil, Satan, spirit mediums.
Sis. Joyce Maparo
Photo: Sis Joyce Maparo