news from russia

We are delighted to report the baptisms of EVGENIJ, MARIJA, ELIZABETA, ELENA, LUDMILA and VITALY. May the Lord guide them towards His Kingdom. Our brother Leonid is being providentially cared for whilst serving his alternative service after his tribunal. He sends greetings to all and was recently visited and found in good spiritual shape.

I ask for your prayers for Brother Vladimir, who, although he left us from fear of persecution, was recently arrested and falsely charged with murder by those here trying to persecute Christadelphians. He is now in prison. Let us pray for him and please pray for us too as the situation here is very hard for us.
Bro. A 

My daughter is so sick, the doctors recommend operation and treatment for her which will cost over $1000. We just can’t do this. It is so hard for us now we have to pay for our own treatment. We have no such money. I am re-reading Bible Basics. The basic things we believe calm me down, as I am so worried so much of the time, especially now my husband has left me. Please pray for me.
Sis. Olga

Things are still impossible for us. We only earn enough to buy fuel for our heater. But we plus have to eat and also I have to buy medicines, and the doctor tells me to buy a special diet! It is impossible for us. I have another invalid here who is interested in the truth. We are teaching him.
Sis. Galina 

We are expecting a baby boy very soon, so we are excited about that. I am glad that our whole family has the habit of reading each day from the Bible with the Companion, as now our new child will enter into that way of being regularly close with God. We are in need of Bibles here, they are hard to get.
Bro. Vladimir

I was so happy to have been at the Bible School, and to see that all went off so well. The longer the time goes by, the more thoughts I have about it. I was sorry to hear about the fall and breakage of Sis. Ellen Styles, and we are praying for her healing. It was my joy to baptize Evgenij and Marija, we were all so joyful afterwards.
Sis. Ludmila K. 

You are most welcome to come here and help us with a small preaching effort, maybe to distribute leaflets and to even hold a public talk in our town!
Bro. Alexei

We need more Bible Basics here in order to preach. In this cold Winter we are talking to people and feel much warmth from the love of God we read about each day in His word.
Sis. Tanya 

We the Sisters of Bashkortostan wish to thank you so much for Gospel News and all your love and care towards us. We appreciate it very much as we wait for Jesus.
Sis. Larisa

I am making more adverts for Bible Basics here, praying for more fruit here.
Bro. Andrej

I greet all my beloved Christadelphians. I am sorry I didn’t write recently, my health is not good. But I am still reading with you every day by the plan, which Brother Duncan gave me at my baptism. I promised to follow it, and I do so. I found recently a photograph of myself. When I was very young, I was in Red Army, and we fought the way to Berlin. I operated as a runner carrying information. I crossed the Vistula in Warsaw on the ice. I was once proud of this, and later, I re-visited some of those places, and had my photo taken by the war memorials. Now I see all differently. Those experiences were only my preparation, preparing me to accept the truth from Bible Basics and to be baptized into Jesus. I am sending you one of those photos of me by a war memorial, which I found recently, so you can see how I once looked.
Sis. Aleksandra


Photo: Sis. Aleksandra at a war memorial around 30 years ago.

I want to thank you although rather late for the wonderful Bible School which was possible in Kazan. It was wonderful to be with brothers and sisters. On the way home, I went to Kirov Obl. to visit relatives and I was taken ill, I was alone in the hospital for 15 days. Now I am back home. Here we are meeting each Sunday to break bread and all of us are reading according to the Companion each day.
Sis. Raisa 

I am very worried about how I will be buried, I am surrounded by people here who not only do not care for me, but who also are totally not Christians. My life has been very lonely, my only pleasant memories are of my late wife, now I am alone but I do believe you are my true family.
Bro. Boris

I am now kept very busy with the needs of several elderly relatives. The Government here has greatly reduced benefits to the pensioners, and they are in a very difficult situation in paying for their heating during this Winter. I remember even in Soviet times, we Russians wanted to turn to God in hard times. And so it is now, the people turn to God as truly some of them have no other help.
Bro. Valerij 

I am fine here, but I have to work so very long hours, I am tired all the time. I miss you all and love you all.
Sis. Natasha

Here we are all well and sending greetings. However some sisters stopped coming to our ecclesia, and have chosen for the world it seems. We are very sad and don’t know what to do about them.
Sis. Vera 

I think the new teaching English course is really cool and will do much good. I have thought up a new design for the website and will share it with you soon.
Bro. Rinat

I am so happy because finally my refugee status has been resolved and I have been allowed to take Russian citizenship! I know this is because of your prayers. However I am left with heavy debts from this. I rejoice in the Lord.
Sis. Ekaterina 

You asked if I am still reading according to the Companion each day and I can say that yes, I certainly am. But the more I read, the more I feel compelled to take this wonderful knowledge to other people, indeed I am ready to travel to the most dangerous place to give that knowledge to others.
Bro. Sasha

The Winter here has been so terrible, I have been sick so often, and would appreciate if anyone can send me some warm clothes. My pension is so small, and also, there is nowhere to buy second hand clothes from. I am reading the Bible with you each day. I rejoice to hear there were baptisms even in Moslem places like Uzbekistan.
Sis. Galina 

I have been sick a long time and also Vladimir, only now are we able to focus upon anything. We were delighted to look through the new book for teaching English based around Mark’s Gospel. We think it is excellent and will bring many to Jesus.
Sis. Nina

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