news from latvia

We are delighted to report the baptisms of SERGEJ and LAIMONIS. May the Lord keep them in the way to His Kingdom.

I continue here, though this Winter has been very cold and such high bills to pay. I so enjoy Gospel News  it is my lifeline to the rest of the brothers and sisters.
Bro. Petr

I have been very scared to go out as it has been so cold and slippery and my eyes are so weak now. I am hoping to come to the Sisters’ Weekend if I can be taken there by car. I live by the sea and the storms and great cold recently made me always think of God’s power to do as He likes, and especially to save me.
Sis. Zina 

Things are begining to get to big point in my life now, I dont know where all that is leading, but I am growing in my belief constantly. I want to thank you once more for being with me and all the things that you have done for me, I doubt I ever fully will be able to see how it would be like without all that, but I am sure that some people in this world will gain much in their way of seeking the truth. True grace never seeks for its own benefit, in this sense you always have been example for me. Indeed, Jesus was (and is today) acting the same way. Thank you for being with me.
Bro. Janis

I am in a regular rhythm of reading each day by the planner. I was really impressed with the booklet about Living with Alcoholism. It is so much needed here. But I see people addicted to so many things, it seems all people around me are addicted to something. I think we need more literature about those addictions and in this way we can bring the people to the truth.
Bro. Vladimir 

The cost of medicines and hospital for me is too great, so I am now back at home. I await only for the Kingdom. I can’t even afford to call out the ambulance when I feel very bad, because even that costs money. I am only waiting for the Kingdom of God.
Bro. Viktor

I remember the words of old Sis. Aleksandra when I was baptized, that I would have great joy because of it. This is how it has happened, that joy has not gone away. Still I am trying to get people more interested. Because of where I live, not even in a village, there are few people I meet each week, but I am trying to interest them in Bible Basics .
Sis. Sarmite 

I break the bread and read the Bible here every day. I believe that agape love will alone prevent all divisions. The way is not easy as you once wrote in an editorial. In everything be thankful, I keep telling myself.
Sis. Olga

I live with hope but amidst many problems. My old mother is in the hospital now maybe for the last time, it is just as well, as our room here in the village is so very cold. I always carry my small Bible with me wherever I go. I am so sorry I missed the last gathering and would love to come to the next one God willing.
Sis. Vaira 

My diabetes is getting worse, and I have so many weaknesses I fear I may not be with us long. My sight is weakening but I can still read my Bible each day and I am continuing reading Beyond Bible Basics which is definitely helping my spiritual growth. But I need some spectacles, +3.5
Bro. Fyodyor

Comment: We’ve been happy to arrange these spectacles for our dear brother


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