news from bosnia

We are delighted to report the baptisms of ALDIN in Sarajevo and DAMIR from Banja Luka. May the Lord guide them to His Kingdom.

Dear brothers,
How are you doing? Is it cold there as much as it is here? Here the temperature is - 25 celzius. It is crazy...brrhhh. I just write to give you a short note what is happening. I got contacted with a brother from Scotland who is sending some clothes at the end of this month. He came from nowhere, I got his mail and it was encouraging to see that there is a lot people who care about others. Halleluja. Last few weeks was totally discouraging, we had no jobs or food, or heating. CRAZY! But somehow with God help we are surviving. I have a big struggle with it. I mean, did you ever been in situation that you can help others, but then again you can not do anything for yourself. Is it just test that God is giving us? We just got bigger taxes and honestly in this crazy winter time I am not sure how we will survive. I just pray that spring comes as soon possible. We would appreciate if you can help us. This country sometimes is hopeless, me and my friends just see no way out write now. but then again, i went before the Lord...and God spoke to me this week: "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-- think about such things. (Phil. 4:8). All that we do I believe we do for Jesus and the Truth. This is what I believe. I think that if we have needs we should go before the Lord because everything comes from Him. But he also told us to stay together and look after each other. So dear brother I ask you to pray and support us through this hard time...Sincerelly yours :brother in Christ,

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