News from Asia
As we know that on the 26th Dec there was an earthquake and Tsunami in Aceh Indonesia.The disaster was very terrible. According the report of the Social Department on 26th Jan 2005 there were reported 291,271 confirmed dead and still more missing. But after the report even until nowadays there were still many dead being found in the ruin and on the seashore. Padang is the cement factory where about 600 people work, almost all the people were missing, only 20 people are still alive. One of the private hospital all the patients, nurses and doctors were swept away.
Was it the same as the Noah flood ? As Jesus said in Mat 24, that it is one of the signals of the coming of Jesus Christ ?
The Tsunami was very terrible, the water about 10 m high and it was very vast about 700 km per hour near the coast, and the water went far away about 140 km from the seashore.
Bro. Sigit Sulisman.
Comment. Brother Sigit sent me several ghastly pictures with heaps of decomposing bodies, which stuck in my mind for days. Initially we intended to print them, but decided not to.
We are delighted to report the baptisms of ALFREDO and CECILY, whose thrilling personal testimony appears elsewhere in this issue. May the Lord keep them strong in His way until His Kingdom. We’re delighted to report that the ongoing distribution of Bible Basics and holding of Bible Basics study classes along with counseling for the families of alcoholics, has been blessed with the following baptisms: ANGELOU, ARNEL, ALGEN, MENDY and RENE. They are all in the Moslem controlled area of the southern Philippines.
We had our baby OK, we called her Christian Heaster. For couple of weeks now, I have been alone in doing the visitation. But God has been truly faithful to us because my wife's health has been slowly reviving. It was seemingly funny since we only trusted God's power to work into the herbal medicines that we have been using for her treatment.
Bro. Alfredo
We are delighted to report the baptisms of the first Christadelphians in this land. Brother TEERAYOOT and Sister RATANAPAN were baptized into the Lord, and we wish them every blessing in their journey to the Kingdom.
I am working to tell my cousins and family about Jesus. But my mother went to Hong Kong to work just now.
Sis. Ratanapan
I am hoping to soon complete the translation of What is the Gospel? to Thai. But I am very busy with my work.
Bro. Teerayoot