news from ukraine

We are delighted to report the baptisms of SOFIA, GALINA, VALYA and VALENTINA. May the Lord be with them as they journey to His Kingdom.

I am planning to come to the gathering, but I will only come if I can find the money to totally pay my own fare, this is important to me, that we make our sacrifice, when so much is done for us.
Sis. Ludmila

We here would truly love to come to the Winter Bible School. There is always so much spiritual food there and true love amongst the brothers and sisters. We are ashamed that we need help to get there because of our low salaries and high cost of tickets.
Sis. Nana

I am sending warmest greetings. I truly pray that Jesus will return this year.
Sis. Elena

We here very much wanted to come to the Bible School, the children especially. We are very poor as a family. The Bible Schools are such wonderful times for us, but we have some problems which make it hard to come.
Sis. Vera

I read with much joy and surprise the article Hearts that bleed. It was a surprise, because these were exactly the thoughts I had been having, and I felt a great unity with the brotherhood on reading that. My health remains poor and I need all help I can get just to survive alive.
Bro. Vladimir

We have now booked the venue for the Ukrainian sisters’ weekend which will be held here God willing. Already we have so very many who want to come and we are very excited about this.
Sis. Ludmila

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