news from latvia

We are delighted to report the baptisms of ARTUR and ANDREJS ; may the Lord keep them in their walk to His Kingdom. On the other hand, we deeply sorrow over the falling asleep of our beloved brother Sasha Gubin of Tukums. We earnestly look forward to the day of resurrection.

I do not go out very much these days, I sit here and wait for my son to return from work, and I read the exhortations from the Isolation League. I am sorry for all problems, I am with you.
Sis. Irena

I so much appreciate the cassette tapes sent me of the Bible School, I have been playing them. We have many problems here but in all, God provides.
Bro. Nikolaj

I was very pleased to hear about the new Christadelphian Committee for Central Europe, and I am completely supportive of this new committee. May God bless all our work for Him.
Bro. Slava

I continue living here very poor. But I am with you. I read about the Christadelphian Committee for Central Europe and the changes with the CBM and I support the new system and pray for it and for blessing upon Brother Marcus and all his good work.
Bro. Petr

I am praying that this year, Jesus will return.
Sis. Vija

I think it is really quite amazing that brothers are traveling so widely in dangerous places to spread the Truth. I thank God for you and know there is a sister here in this town praying for you.
Sis. Valeryana

The recent Bible school in Jurmala will be for me unforgettable. I returned home with such spiritual energy and the feeling that I had really grown so far just that weekend, through the understanding of the word of God which we received. Our health here is poor, and we don’t have even money to make the journey of 100 km. total to the local hospital.
Bro. Petris

I was taken into hospital for 5 days because of my heart, it is very difficult for me to breathe sometimes. They only prescribe me tablets, which I can’t afford to buy. I pray for you. I remember that Abraham was promised the land but he never received it and he died in faith waiting for it, and he will receive it. This it seems is my position.
Bro. Viktor

I am very carefully reading the Bible and all literature I have been given. I remember with much joy the time when I came to the ecclesia in Riga. I am with you all.
Sis. Sarmite

Your letters are of great importance to me. It is very kind of you to deliver clothes to the needy families in Bosnia. May God bless you more and more. It means you are showing the agape love of God.
Sis. Olga

I am now understanding that the key to spiritual life is our habits, at work, in the family, while traveling, wherever we are. I am looking for the return of Jesus soon, and I think that the repentance of the Jewish people will be the great sign. I think that there is unease in the heart of every Jew, about the question of Jesus.
Bro. Vladimir

My life at the moment is so full of problems- with health, work and everything. Please pray for me.
Sis. Vaira

I pray for you and love you. All my bones are aching and I feel like life is leaving me, reminding me of how a fish looks when it is caught and then slowly dying. I can still read, I love reading the Bible, especially seeing how God worked with Israel.
Bro. Fyodyor

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