news from kazakhstan

We are delighted to report the baptisms of OLEG and IRINA. May the Lord guide them to His Kingdom.

I have been lying in the hospital for a month and my father is also sick. So things are so hard for us financially especially with clothes for the winter for the family. We love you all. I am praying for you, and wish especial greetings to brothers Rinat and Valdas.
Sis. Lena

We warmly welcome you here! We warmly remember all our past visitors and we love you and would love to see you.
Bro. Yuri 

I wish all of us to enter more deeply into the world of Biblical things, and I so hope the Bible School in Russia will help all to do this, and I am happy for you all, although the need to work means I can’t come.
Sis. Tanya

There are so many here in our ecclesia who would love to come to the Bible School in Russia! But we are so many, and more than what there are sponsors for perhaps. We love you all and want to be with you!
Sis. Svetlana

I was just so very happy to know there would be a Bible School again in the Winter, and that I can come, and bring my husband there to be baptized I hope.
Sis. Galina

We are so terribly missing you all, and we so want to be able to get to a Bible School. Without seeing you all, it is like life is not going properly for us. We love you so much and we miss the energy that we take away from such meetings each time.
Sis. Tanya and others

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