news from belarus

We are delighted to report the baptism of ANDREJ; may the Lord bless his path to the Kingdom A Bible School for children, including orphans of Chernobyl, was held over Christmas. We really appreciate the support that made this possible, and the gifts of clothes and gloves for the children.

I have no great wish to be in contact with prisoners, but I think may be this is the way God is leading me to serve Him. I was tutoring one man in prison on the correspondence course, and he introduced others, and now I find many writing to me. So this is perhaps how God is wanting to use me.
Bro. Leonid

Our children are growing up now. We do truly pray for wisdom, so that they will grow up to know the Truth. I ask God too to grant me patience, to set the right pattern.
Bro. Sasha

I was really encouraged to get a package with vitamins etc, thank you so much. I have to bring up my grandchildren and it is so hard to do this here, all we have is our land and animals and we are far from any city. But in all things, let us give glory to God!
Sis. Nina

Reading about the building of the temple, I thought, that we Christadelphians are like a temple, each of us are the different stones, we must never allow any division, or else we will all fall. The road here is still impassable for me to get easily to the nearest station, so I have not been able to get to the meetings in Minsk all Winter.
Bro. Vladimir

We really wish all blessings for every Bible School wherever it is, we think these gatherings are so important. We are with you all.
Bro. Gennady & Sis. Margarita

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