news from russia

We are delighted to report the baptism of SERGEJ in a distant part of Siberia. May the Lord bless His witness in that place!

We are really in a very hard situation, as I have no work, and must vacate the house we are living in as the landlady has returned. We simply don’t know what to do, and we could soon end on the street. 
Bro Sasha

I am very, very happy to finally have been baptized! I am involved in setting up a voluntary organization in order to help handicapped people here, and I can do with whatever support anyone can give. I so want to share the Gospel.
Sis. Galina

I have been placing advertisements for Bible Basics on lamp posts and bus stops here, with tear-off slips for people to post away. I notice many of them are torn off each day, and some people told me they had posted them to Moscow. I was then very sad to find the address on the slips was wrong and the people hadn’t got the book. This depressed me for a while but I am determined to try again. 
Bro Oleg


We truly have such great problems again, unless we pay our utilities bill on this apartment, we will be thrown out onto the street. So we are in great stress. Our only joy was to hear that our daughter Natasha has finally been baptized. We are so joyful because of this, but our daily problems remain.
Sis. Nadia

We are so happy to have been baptized! Also happy that our daughter Kristina was baptized, although at present she is in a sanatorium. We really believe we will receive the eternal life when Jesus returns. We are very much believing this, it changes our lives.
Bro. Vladmir & Sis. Svetlana

Every day I remember the brothers and sisters whom I know and love. I am so glad to hear that you are still baptizing people all over the world.
Sis. Elena

I so much like reading this magazine. The best thing for me are the letters from brothers and sisters. Even when I can’t meet with others, as my circumstances are hard at this time, I can feel one with you, and see  how we all suffer and how everything is moving us all towards the climax of the return of Jesus and the coming of the Kingdom.
Bro. Ramil

It lifts me up very much to get a call and to know that there are true Christadelphians still who do the work of God and are spreading the Truth. As I write this I am looking forward to our meeting here tomorrow for breaking the bread. I am finding it hard to convert people here, it is not as it was in Kazakhstan, and this depresses me.
Sis. Ludmila

It was so good to see Brother Duncan again here and to have baptisms of more people. My prayer is that they will read each day and will grow closer to God and enter the Kingdom of God with us. We are all with you.
Bro. Andrej

I have moved here from my previous place, I spent all my money on the fare here, as I have a place to live here which will be warm in the winter unlike where I was. Please pray for me.
Sis. Katya

We are facing many problems here, in winter it is so cold, in summer, so hot. We have no refrigerator and it is so difficult. I am feeling very close to God. I will not go to the Bible School in Moscow, but I am with you and reading very much.
Sis. Tanya

I want to thank you for your help with helping me to get alternative service. You are a great example to me. Now I will soon begin that alternative service. I do not know where I will be sent apart from that it will be very far from my home, nor is it clear what they will make me do. Please pray for me. I am very determined to be faithful and to take my Bible with me and to be one of those who inherits the promises as said in Heb. 13:7.
Bro. Leonid

I am eager to distribute leafets here as I can. I truly count those few brothers with whom I correspond in the truth, to be my closest friends.
Bro. Sasha

It is a great example to me that you continue preaching with all obstacles and I believe God will bless this. I greatly respect the brothers and sisters in Ukraine for the literature they send me.
Bro. Valerij

I have finally returned home from a long trip away working. I was happy to find several requests for Bible Basics awaiting me, from leaflets and advertising here.
Bro. Andrej

My sister came to stay with me recently, and during that time she read through all my Christadelphian books. She was formally involved with the Baptists but I am very confident that she will come over to us. I am totally with you.
Bro. Boris

I am very unwell now. I have problems with my heart and my blood, and I have been unable to work for 2 months and I think I will be unable to work for at least another 3 months. This means my wife and I have very little income. We just don’t have enough money for any treatment nor for living. Please pray for us and help us.
Bro. Sasha

Comment: Our prayers and care are certainly with our dear brother, who has been a faithful preacher of the Truth and elder of the ecclesia in Talitsa for a long time.


I am so happy to tell you that my friend Sergej was baptized! He is from Altayskij Kraj, so far from any of us. I am grateful that you sent him and others literature, and it is always a joy for me to hear from my friends and relatives that they have correspondence with you. I know you do thorough work with them and I hope that more of them will come to be baptized too.
Bro. Ivan

I am trying to work in my garden while it is summer so that I will be able to eat better in the winter. Sister Ludmila from Kazan supports me so much by writing to me. I would love to come to a Bible School but it is many days on the train to travel from here, and I cannot manage it any more.
Sis. Galina

I have almost finished the translation of the booklet about Alcoholism from Russian to Esperanto. May every blessing be with your work.
Sis. Nina

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