news from latvia

We are pleased to report the baptisms of Sisters VEE, LIDA, ALLA, TANYA, TAMARA, SOOLA and Brothers GUNARS and SASHA; may the Lord bless and guide them to the Kingdom.

I appreciate being invited to the Bible School in Jurmala, but I really cannot come as we just have to gather our harvest at this time so we can survive through the Winter. However through this short note I am sending greetings to all. May our Father Himself and His Son keep you all.
Bro. Nikolaj

Things are so hard for us as my brother Sasha has such problem with his leg, he may lose it. So he can’t work. We feel we have gone from one problem to another recently. We are holding to our faith but we feel we are being very much tested.
Bro. Sergej

I am so glad that I have been baptized although I am lonely here. However I am supported by the cassette tapes which I play all the time. My age and health don’t allow me to travel at all. My bones are weak, or they feel so weak. I am hoping for the Kingdom to come soon.
Sis. Valerijana

Life is hard here as we have had to leave the flat we had because of high bills. I find a little work, but I am too weak to work much and also there is little work in this village. One feels at times as if nobody understands how we feel, this is why I am glad Jesus was a poor man who can understand.
Bro. Petris


I try by all means to spread the truth here, but maybe I am a poor preacher, I am finding people simply aren’t willing to take the Bible even in their hands. I find it is easy to speak to our brothers and sisters about preaching but harder to do it each day.
Bro. Vladimir

I am sorry to tell you that my former wife died recently, this was unexpectedly more painful for me than I would have thought, especially as it seems not so long ago that I buried my son. I continue to hope myself for the Kingdom of God when at last this sad life will end.
Bro. Fyodyor

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