From Port Antonio.
I have been a member of the Christadelphians for 39 years. My husband and I were alone for six years. Then in year seven, Bro. Allan Eyre decided to put on an exhibition on Israel. The exhibition was on for one week. The Bible study during that time got everyone hoping that this was what we were waiting for. So everyone got down to Bible study and instruction. Six months later, eleven people were baptized. Then after a while, more were added; we got to forty five members.
Sad to say, most of the forty five have fallen asleep, only four sisters are left, one 95 years, one 82 years, one cripple 65 and of course I am 71. By the grace of God we are still holding on. We are visited once per month and when- ever visiting brethren come, they visit us here. As we can see, the time around us is very fearful, men’s hearts failing them for fear of the things that are coming. We have all types of disorder, war killing is the order of the day in our little country, and there are only a few looking for the return of our Lord and Saviour, the Son of God.
What can I say more? It would take many books to hold the things that happen around us. But as Jesus says, when we see these things happening, we must lift up our heads, for our redemption draws near. Our Lord will soon return to claim his own. What a day that will be says Joel. So let us give thanks to God for all His love toward us. Let us pray, watch and wait for that great and notable day, day of all days.
Photo: Part of the Antonio Meeting in Year gone by.
Sis M James (Jamaica)