news from pakistan

Sis. Safina reports the baptisms of another three illiterate women in Sahiwal; may the Lord go with them in their walk to His Kingdom

I am in touch with the Brothers from Afghanistan. If we can get money to them then I think they can make a journey to Kandahar to find out the fate of the family of our late Brother Faris and the other Brothers there. We will pray more and I will communicate with you what news I receive from there.
Bro. K.

We are remembering with joy the Bible School in Multan and we still think on the lessons taught by Brothers Steve and Duncan. We are sorry to have been out of contact. We love you and miss you.
Bro. I


I am praying for the will of God to be done and for the establishment of His Kingdom in Pakistan and in the whole world.
Bro. F

I want to inform you that I am arranging a Kids’ Seminar in Sahiwal. I will invite all our Christadelphian Sunday Schools to participate in the Seminar. We will make a programme with Bible songs, colouring and running competitions, Bible quiz and a lunch. Please pray that this will happen!
Sis. S

Last evening I was in FSD to see some Brothers and Sisters. It was nice meeting with them. Because of the traffic problems I went late so I could meet one or two and came back earlier because I have to leave for Islamabad.
Bro A

Requests for literature from Pakistan are dealt with by our Pakistani Brethren and Sisters. Here is a letter which they use in replying to contacts. It shows their great love and care for the individual. We encourage Brothers and Sisters in all countries not to rely upon the Western Brothers for preaching but to take as much responsibility as they can for preaching themselves; the Pakistani Christadelphians are a great pattern to us all in this.


Dear friend

Greetings and love from the Christ-adelphian Pakistan Team.

I am here to tell you that there is a team who love you and praying for you and all others that are studying the WORD of GOD and seeking for the TRUE message of Christ. We are very happy to learn that you have read the Bible Basics manual in English and you motivated your friends and relatives to study it and now you need it in URDU. GREAT!

Can you please send us your postal address that we can post you Bible Basics in Urdu. Would you like to meet any of our members in your area (openly or in privacy)? It depends on you. Also let us know about your interests, hobbies and age and briefly write some thing about your family background and religious activities/involvement. There are many young, talented and devoted men and women in Christadelphian Team in Pakistan. I hope you will enjoy our fellowship and will learn more about the WORD of God.We love you and pray for you.


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