news from pakistan

The Muslim extremists are behind those who are persecuting J's family. Brothers and Sisters of TTS have decided for me to hide for around two weeks. I am leaving TTS on Monday. Please pray for my saftey. Brothers and sisters, we need your prayers and urgent help for case and other things includinng my two weeks stay somewhere. Please respond me as soon as possible. I am in need of your help. With much love and peace, 
Bro A

I am very thankful for all your efforts. After reading your emails I am very much relaxed and feeling light. I believe that every situation has a time. I can foresee the wonderful time that He will use me abundantly to share His gospel among the lost and bring many to His kingdom.I believe that His provision will reach to me through you all on time. I know that thank you are small words to express my real feelings for all of you.You must believe that He is so pleased to you all when He enables you to share my aims and prove our true love for another. I love you all very much (2 Cor. 2:4) to let you know the depth of my love for you all. In His unfailing Love
Bro. K
[currently on the run from persecution - he urgently needs our prayers]

Recently Moslem extremists killed a boy here. Please pray for Pakistan and for us to be able to even live here as Christians.
Sis. Safina

Here a young boy who is Christian drank water from the tap of a Mosque, so they told him to convert to be a Moslem, and when he refused, they torture him, they peel his nails and give him electric shock and send the body back to his parents. I am sure one day all Christians will be killed here by Moslems. Pray for us.
Sis. E.

Today I baptized two women. I went to their colony,  where we built a pool for the baptism. I asked many questions of them, to make it clear why they wanted baptism and understood the doctrines, did they feel a true love for the Lord Jesus Christ, and how they were dealing with repenting of their sins. At the end I baptized them, I was very happy, and they were too.
Sis. S.

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