news from malta

We enjoy reading the Magazine.  We have been to the CBM flat in Malta on our twice yearly visit.  We now have Bro. Emmanuel, 82 years old, baptized five years ago approx., and Bro. Walter and Sis. Josephine, baptized 18 months ago;  they are younger and came to us via a 'Fellowship' meeting.  In Gozo there is Bro. Salvu who is very lonely and has had some 'persecutions' over the past five years or so.  Some of his hay crop, used to feed his goats, was stolen and his doorway blocked during the Festa so that he couldn't leave his home and watch his crops.  A few months earlier his cycle tyres (his only transport) were slashed for a joke(!) by the parish priest.  Gozo is small and Salvu's village has three streets only, and a massive church, so all know he does not 'confess' etc.  It is a joy to visit him also.  We have so much to be thankful for.
Bro. & Sis. G. Jenkins

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