news from latvia

We are delighted to report the baptisms of EVA and LIGA at the Riga Bible School; and KARINA, TAISA, EDGARS, NINA, ROMAN  and ALEKSANDR on subsequent visits. May God bless and guide them in their walk.

We are both still very much in shock after the loss of our mother. All is very dark for us, and worse, we have difficulty finding even odd jobs, and we now have only a sack of potatoes to eat, we worked on a farm and then they wouldn't pay us but gave us the potatoes. Please pray for us, we so trust in God.
Brothers Sasha and Sergej

Today I was in touch with a great question. Why it is so hard to say to our relatives that we love them? I think it causes many problems. We actually feel, that we care for our dear people, we want to do many things to say it in our actions, but we never say it in words.  I think we are not alone, we just do not realise it. And I know, that our Lord loves us, He has said it many times in Bible, He proves it with His works, but do we say it in our prayers - I do love you, Jesus?
Bro. Janis

I am finding reading hard as my eyesight is so bad, and it is difficult to get a large print Bible here. I would so love to travel to Bible meetings but my health is too bad; I love you all!
Sis. Valeriana

I am hoping to come to the study day in Riga, God willing. I am so very glad Duncan and Cindy are in Riga, they are a great help to us. I would love to go to Russia to see my mother and try to preach the Truth to her but the fare is so expensive.
Bro. Vladimir

I do not cease wrapping you up in my prayers as you continue to work for God in dangerous places like Pakistan and Afghanistan. I hope that even here I can be to others a comforting light in this darkness, and even if there is no response I hope I will remain faithful.
Sis. Olga

I have two weeks holiday from work so I can write to let you know that I feel God working very actively in my life especially through what I pray for and His way of answering or working out those answers.
Sis. Anna

Life here in prison is really difficult, especially as my relatives do not help me at all. I think of the places where I hear there are baptisms and I am with you all.
Bro. Anatoly

I arrived here OK. My life and work is somewhat hard, looking after an old lady who cannot walk at all. She was from St Petersburg before she came here, so we reminisce about what life was like in USSR. Please pray for me. I miss you all   terribly, and wonder who is sitting in my place at the breaking of bread meetings.
Sis. Tanya
[currently working abroad]

I am thankful to all brothers and sisters who organised the 'camp' over the Easter holidays.  There was Bro. Graham Mitchel who introduced us to brothers and sisters in Africa through his video.  It was so moving to see them and also to see brothers and sisters in the Philippines, but it was also terrible to see those about Iran and the devastation of Afghanistan.  Bro. Marcus gave a wonderful talk on the tabernacle in the wilderness.  We also watched the most moving and beautiful film about the life of Jesus Christ;  it it the most wonderful film about Jesus I have ever seen.  It was so nice to see our brothers and sisters again - too many names to list here.  I just say 'Thank you' to the brothers and sisters who organised this 'camp' and many, many thanks to our God and His Son.
Sis Aija

Photo: The Riga Ecclesia

I arrived OK here in Ireland but I am being made to work so extremely hard, and I think to return home to Latvia. I am having to work in the fields very hard and long work. It is also hard being here and not knowing English and trying to be understood. Please pray for me.
Sis. N
[currently working abroad]

I am still very ill, maybe I will not recover. My sight has started to fail very badly. I am surely hoping for the Kingdom of God, it is my only hope. I manage to read some pages from the Bible each day but it is hard for me to concentrate. Please pray for me.
Bro. Fyodyor

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