news from greenland

In response to the call we have each received to take the Gospel into all the world before the Lord returns, the Bible Basics Follow Up Team have been expanding work into Greenland and Iceland, where we are unaware that there are any Christadelphians. Response from Iceland to advertising has been excellent- we now have around 50 contacts studying Bible Basics. Seeing the population is only about 250,000, we found the response quite amazing.

Spurred on by this, we have sought to advertise on web sites in Greenland, where the population is even smaller.

We've found that the internet is only just taking off there, and of course people have never had offers of free Bible literature put to them before. Some internet cafes are opening and we are in touch with them with regard to advertising. Further, the small population there is very closely connected with each other, and we found a listing of all home pages of Greenlanders - there are about 30 people in Greenland who have their own private home page. So we've written to the people and asked if they'd like a pen pal with whom to discuss the Bible, and whether they'd like us to send them a copy of Bible Basics. Our working team have also discovered that the University of Greenland has a theology faculty - with one lecturer and four students! The way things are going, most people in Greenland and Iceland who are online and know some English will have been approached by us with the offer of the Truth. We've also learnt that there's a major alcohol problem in these areas, and we are seeking to get our material about "Living with alcoholism: A Christian Response" [see] translated into Danish, Icelandic and the Greenland language.


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