news from belarus

We are really grateful for the work of Brother Igor from Moscow who comes here often and helps us with literature etc. I am in touch with a man I spoke to 4 years ago on Biblical themes and it seems he will respond more. I am very happy about this.
Bro. Leonid

Photo: A newly baptised family in Belarus

The Lord Jesus said that if people persecuted him, then they would persecute us too. This is happening now as a sign of the last days. My flat is always at the disposal of those persecuted for righeousness' sake.
Bro. Sasha

Things have had to change in our lives because of financial problems but I hope all will now normalize. I have 4 more people interested to receive Bible Basics.
Bro. Gennady

I am eagerly reading through the books sent, they are is true spiritual food for me. I would love to have a library of Christadelphian books like this but I know only Russian.
Bro. Vladimir

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