news from kenya
We had hoped last year
would bring the Lord’s return, but although the signs continue to build up, the
Great Day has still not arrived. We pray this year may see our Lord’s second
coming. We can be sure we will continue to see more signs to strengthen our
faith as the time approaches; Israel is still at the centre of it all. As we
look around the world with all its troubles, we realise that it is completely
beyond man’s ability to put things right. Jesus said there would be distress of
nations with perplexity and men’s hearts failing them for fear. It does seem
that the terrorists are able to strike wherever they choose.
Bro. Eliud Ngayo
I am thankful for Gospel
News by which I am gaining knowledge from the views of Brethren and Sisters
from all over the world. Please continue – don’t give up. I thank Brethren for
the work of translation they are undertaking. I was happy when I read in
Gospel News that Bible Basics has been translated into Swahili. Those
Brethren who sacrificed for this work will be blessed..
Bro. Moses Sande
I have read the CAT
booklet, ‘Women in the Church’, and note that the arguments are supported by
Holy Scripture, whereas the other denominations dwell on events of history.
Bro. John Kwyala
I am fine and still in the
race towards the Kingdom, for I have learned, like Paul, that nothing can, or
will, separate me from the lover of God which is manifested in Christ our Lord
(Rom. 8:39). Right now I have written a message in Swahili which I intended to
put on tapes, but I have no money to do so. Hope the Kingdom will be here soon.
The last word: Can I get about three Bible Basics in Kiswahili? I also
need a good King James’ Bible, if possible.
Bro. David Aphaxard
I thank Bros Rob Splint and
Kizayi who came to my house and shared the breaking of bread and the wine in
remembrance of our Lord Jesus Christ who was crucified on a tree because of sin.
I pray for my Brothers and Sisters and our friends so that we might make an
ecclesia in our area. I also thank Bro. Ernest Lavuna, who showed me the way to
the Kingdom. I won’t turn back like Lot’s wife when God destroyed Sodom and
Gomorrah, or like somebody who puts their hand to the plough and looks back;
such are not fit for the Kingdom of God (Lk. 9:62). Please send me Bible
Basics and Sunday School material.
Bro. Solomon Abukika
In a village in Kenya a man
died and was buried. Later, the man’s wife was convinced by a dream that her
husband wanted his watch, so she took the watch and buried it next to his body.
A young man secretly dug up the watch and used it for years until it wore out.
No harm came to him. If the dead man had had the power to influence the living,
he surely would have punished the thief who stole his watch from the grave.
Ecclesiastes 9:5-6 says, "For the living know that they shall die, but the dead
know not anything, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them
is forgotten. Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now
perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is
done under the sun". So we must stick to the Bible, Brothers and Sisters,
because man’s teaching is faulty.
Bro. Nicholas

Photo: Bro. Nicholas
I am sorry not to have let
you know that the Bible Basics you sent arrived safely. I gave them to
friends and think they are enjoying reading them. For this reason I request you
to send at least three more, one in Kiswahili, to give to other interested
Bro. Patrick Wafula
God will fulfil His ancient
promises made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and He has invited Gentiles to
participate in the same benefits (Gal. 3:8-9). The three steps to salvation are
(a) belief (b) baptism and (c) obedience. What must we first believe? According
to the Scriptures, "But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is
the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing ye might have life through his
Name" (John 20:31). It is also written in the epistle to the Romans (1:16, "For
I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto
salvation to everyone that believeth, to the Jew first, and also to the
Greek". In step two we find that baptism is followed after belief, "He that
believeth and is baptised shall be saved; but he that believeth not
shall be damned" (Mark 16:16). Paul, as an apostle of Christ, says to the
Galatians, "And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs
according to the promise" (Gal. 3:29). Thirdly, we should in our Christian life
obey God’s and Jesus’ commandments. With the help of the Bible Companion
we should read God’s word daily.
Bro. Moses Kutukhulu
Photo: Bro. Moses
It’s a long time since I
wrote to you. I have been in Tanzania preaching the gospel. I’m happy because
Gospel News helped us in reading more good testimonies from many Brothers
and Sisters all over the world. We have arranged a mini Bible School for
September and December.
Bro. Martin W.
Thank you for the book. My
wife was bitten by a very poisonous snake but, thanks to God, she is now going
on well. Here at Kitise it is very, very dry. As you know, people are all
different – some ask whether there is any help for us, others ask whether you
will come to visit us. But I tell them that if they hear my voice, they also
hear yours, because we understand the same gospel.
Bro. Daniel Maingi
This picture was taken on
the rocks of the Nandi Escarpment. There is a steep section and the background
shows the sugar cane Belt Zone. The place is called Kapuenyele and is a tourist
attraction area. Things have been moving towards establishing an ecclesia at
Nandi Hills town and I managed to travel to the town to meet up with Brethren in
charge of the Rift Valley region. The meeting was successful, being blessed by
our Heavenly Father.
Bro. Geoffrey
Photo: Bro Geoffrey
Chirchir, back, second from right with friends.
We had a good 2003 and hope
God will continue to bless us. Thank you for the good job with Gospel News
– keep it up! Enclosed is a photo of the members of the Makindu ecclesia and one
of myself.
Bro. Nicholas M.

Photo: Bro. Nzuki
Photo: Makindu ecclesia
I have a baby boy, 9 months
old, and I named him Duncan. He is suffering from a bent foot, forcing me to
take him to the hospital for an operation; he is young enough that the foot can
be treated.
Bro. Daniel Ogembo
Almost every one of us is
expecting Jesus to come soon. The Bible promises us that Jesus will truly come
(Matt. 24:36-39; Luke 17:26-27). The day and the hour no one knows, but the
Father only, and the days will be like the days of Noah (Gen. 6:5-8), and
"because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold" (Matt.
24:12-14). People will be lovers of earthly things, forgetting their God (2 Tim.
3). Matthew ch. 24 is like a mirror for us to watch. Many of these things are
happening, but the end is not yet, therefore we should endure all the sufferings
so that Jesus finds us ready for salvation.
Bro. Nicholas K.
Photo: Bro. Nicholas
Mutuku with some of his family
In the beginning God placed
man where everything was free (Gen. 1:28-30). There was a river in Eden for
watering. Problems started when Eve ate the forbidden fruit (Gen. 3:6). From
that day to our own, problems have increased daily in the world and man has
turned away from God. Genesis ch. 6 tells us how God decided to punish mankind
for their evil by destroying them with a flood. And we all know it is the same
in our own days due to the fact that man has turned away from God. Let us all
keep close to God and everything will be OK.
Bro. M. Lugo Jefa
I appreciate copies of
Gospel News, they are not wasted. A friend and I (who studied the
Bible with others) were caught and convicted of holding a gathering without a
certificate of registration as a known church community. We were mistaken as
being a certain sect that was not registered and was against the government, the
so-called ‘Mungiki’. Therefore the two of us were said to be the ones leading
the gathering and were sentenced to two years’ imprisonment, but now we are out
and are continuing with our studies, for it is for our benefit.
Francis Kinandu
I appreciate the work you
do of informing those who work for the Lord of what is happening in the world. I
am always grateful when I read Gospel News and I make sure I go through
it and understand it. I always pray for the oppressed and hope God will answer
my prayers. Jesus said (Mark 10:29-30) if we leave things in this life for his sake and
the gospel’s we shall receive a hundred fold with persecutions (repeat,
persecutions), and in the world to come eternal life. We should therefore preach
the gospel of our Master without fear of persecution, knowing it is part of our
Sis. Dorine A. Mboya
Photo: Sis. Dorine Mboya
(right), with friends
I thank you very much for
constantly sending me Gospel News. God’s mercy is wonderful, and I really
appreciate the spiritual feeding you have been offering me for so long. You have
been using your resources and energy to see to it that we get the word of God
right at our home turfs and on our door steps. I really appreciate the effort
you make to give this spiritual food to so many Brothers and Sisters in all
corners of the earth. May the Almighty God keep you safe and prolong your life
in order to keep on serving His children. I am a Sunday School teacher here.
Bro. Benson A. Ngadi
Photo: Bro Ngadi
I started receiving
Gospel News May/June 1999 to date and it has made me grow spiritually in
reading Brethren and Sisters’ living witness to the true gospel. We pray for the
truth to spread and encourage contributions to the Magazine. We wish you to
continue the witness to the truth, and pray for Brethren and Sisters to stand
firm in the faith. We pray for Brethren and Sisters where the truth is
restricted, especially in Muslim countries. The topic of the pre-existence of
Christ by Bro. John and Sis. Sally Palmer was of great spiritual help to us
showing that the Scriptures are the best interpreter. God has provided the true
evidence that the Bible is His inspired word, therefore it is profitable for
teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, that we
may be perfect to do the works of good (2 Tim. 3:16). No prophecy of scripture
is of any private interpretation, but holy men spoke from God as they were moved
by the power of the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:20,21). The God of the Bible is the
Creator of heaven and earth; He is King eternal, invisible, the only wise God,
the Almighty. God has the power to create and destroy (1 Tim. 1:17; Gen. 1:1;
Deut. 32:39). The God of the Bible spoke through the prophets, apostles and
through His Son, Jesus Christ, to reveal His wonderful purpose with man and the
earth. He spoke through Moses and promised to raise up a Prophet from the family
of Israel to whom salvation would be preached in his name (Deut. 18:15; 17:20
[compare Acts 20:20-26]). We must appreciate God’s love in sending His beloved
Son, Jesus Christ, anointed with the Holy Spirit, to be Lord and Christ, the
promised Messiah. We are looking forward to his second coming, he who is our
only Redeemer, to take over the kingdoms of men.
Bro. John Owalo Onani
I am grateful to God to be
able to announce that Tongaren ecclesia has been blessed with three baptisms,
all are daughters of the undersigned: Esther Kasembeli (wife of Bro. Moses
Kasembeli), Getquin Mandako and Lowvine Nafuna. May God bless them as they now
journey through the wilderness of this world to the Kingdom of God.
Bro. Isaac Kapa
I thank God for His mercy
which He has on us this minute. I have problems here and there; I need your
prayers so that I may escape them. Don’t stop sending books and other items,
because they keep my faith strong in the coming Kingdom. They also help me in
knowing more of the truth of the word of God and of His Son, Jesus. Be blessed
with the Lord and continue doing His will until the Kingdom comes with our
Brother, Jesus.
Sis. Dorcus Mabuka