Understanding God’s Word – Proverbs 4:7

This is the time when each one of us thinks his understanding is in harmony with the teaching of the Bible. Yes, everyone can say that. But the question is, when we say we understand, do we depart from the system of this world? If our mind is caught up with the things of this world, then our understanding of the truth as it is in Christ is in vain. Let us read Job 28:28, "To depart from evil is understanding." This world is full of evil because man, from the beginning, refused to understand God’s Word, which is Life. As a result death, which is evil, came upon us. So the only way to overcome this evil – death - is to understand God’s Word as it is in Jesus Christ whom He sent.

What should we do to understand God’s Word?

    1.  Study God’s Word (2 Timothy 2:15).

    2.  Labour in the word and doctrine. (1 Tim. 5:17).

    3.  Have eyes of understanding (Eph 1:18; Prov 2:11). Solomon’s exhortation 
         says "Understanding shall keep you". These days we seem to be weak                  because we do not understand God’s Word in the proper manner. May
         God bless us.

Bro. Nelson Bwalya (Kitwe, Zambia)

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