High and Holy Calling by the Lord
As we see the day of the return of our Lord approaching we remember Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah" and, "As it was in the days of Lot" so shall it be in the last days before his coming (Luke 17: 26-30). One of the signs that Jesus gave in Luke 21 was earthquakes. We have recently seen terrible earthquakes in the world. Another sign was famine; with the increased population of the world, this is a fact. Coupled with this we have in verse 26, "Men?s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth." So with these and many other signs, we know that the coming of the Lord cannot be far away.
The question to each of us is, Are we ready for the coming of the Lord? Our calling is a high and holy calling. We are called to be the sons and daughters of the living God, brothers and sisters of our Lord Jesus Christ. Whether we live or die we are promised a glorious future in the Kingdom which Jesus will set up on the earth very soon, and the fact is that we want to be in that Kingdom. Psalm 2 gives us a picture of the Kingdom being given to Jesus by God, his Father. There will be no soft option for those who rebel. We are told that he will rule them with a rod of iron.
The fact is that we are in the time of the end. It is in our own interest that we are faithful stewards now. In Psalm 72:4 we read that Jesus will destroy the oppressor, verse 12, he will deliver the needy and the poor, verse 16, there will be plenty of food for all, and verse 19, the whole earth will be filled with the glory of God. We all want to be part of this time of joy.
We want to be with Jesus in that day, but it all depends on how we live now, so until the Master comes we all need to do our best to live perfectly and when we stand before the Judge of all the earth he will welcome us into his Kingdom with joy beyond measure with eternal life to live and reign with him. In the book of Habakkuk ch. 2:14 we read, "The earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea."
If we keep this picture before our eyes and aim to please God in all that we do, we shall attain to the Kingdom and the glory by His love and mercy. May the blessing of our Almighty God be upon us all as we wait patiently for the coming of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ.
Joseph Oppong (Shama Junction, Ghana)