news from latvia
Every time you come here I
feel I gain something more spiritually. I am very happy waiting for the return
of Jesus. All here send their love to you all.
Bro. Kaspars
Sister Valentina is not
feeling well and I too am not well. We endure our situation, my only hope is
that life will work out better for my son. As the Bible says, we are pressured
on every side, yet we have hope and will not give up. I continue my work for the
truth each day.
Bro. Petris
Our situation here
is very bad as we urgently need to pay our land tax and other things, otherwise
we may lose our land on which we grow our food. We are so glad to know and
remember in hard times that we have our brothers and sisters also struggling and
believing in God.
Sis. Svetlana
I truly believe that we
can help each other with our prayers, not only because it is written so. So
I keep praying about my relatives, about you, about myself, about... I really
believe if we truly trust in God, that He will act right in the same moment we
pray for our need. And I think He is with me, I have no doubts about it... But I
have many unanswered questions: why this is happening to me, why should I
suffer? But He knows better than I do.
Bro. Janis
I continue very sick, it is
hard for me to get a consultation even with a doctor. I am trying to hold on in
my self and in my faith.
Bro. Viktor
I feel I am going much
deeper in my relationship with God. In the midst of all problems I thank God for
things like that the sun is still shining. When I cannot sleep I have created a
habit to thank God for all blessings. In this area I have no fellow
Christadelphian, most religious people here are Catholics, Lutheran or
Adventist. I think about Daniel who was also very alone, who prayed on his knees
to his God.
Sis. Olga
I very much missing not
having many brothers and sisters here for fellowship. However I have two people
who I believe are ready to be baptized here. The magazines are very wonderful
and encouraging but I need people also! I see from the Bible that we have all been given many gifts which we are to use with people!
Sis. Anna
Photo: Sisters receiving kindly donated
I may soon be moved to
another prison, I need your prayers about this.
Bro. Anatolijs
I am facing a lot of
problems, including having things stolen, and also ill health. I am only looking
forward to the next Bible School to meet with brothers and sisters.
Sis. Vaira
For the first time I will not be able to come to the next Bible school. I
suddenly seem to have so many things going wrong with my health after this
winter, it is as if my body has not gotten over the winter. I remain firm for
the truth.
Bro. Fjodjor