news from ukraine

I am sincerely praying for Jesus to return this year to end all divisions between people and to bring His Kingdom.
Sis Elena

I am sorry I was unable to come to the Bible School as my mother is now critically ill. But I truly think of you and wish peace and blessing to be with all our Brothers and Sisters.
Sis Ludmila

We are truly so sorry we can’t get to the Winter Bible School but we will think of you all and are very much with you all as we too continue our walk with you to the Kingdom.
Sis. Ludmila, Bro. Stas

We here would all so love to come to the winter Bible School, we are very sorry if this won’t be possible. We are living here in very poor circumstances and these Schools are the only light in our lives
Sis. Vera

I make special prayers to God about all our suffering Brothers in Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan. I also pray more strongly, "May your Kingdom come".
Bro. Vladimir

We have the breaking of bread here every Sunday and I am leading the meetings apart from when we go to Kiev for the breaking of bread there. We think of you in Riga and love you all so much.
Bro. Gennady

I have been very ill and in hospital and it has been very hard for me to afterwards go to the village and gather food. My husband Bro Vitaly is not allowed to live where I live as I am in a woman’s hostel, but we see each other each day. We have so little money. We pray to God and we love Him. We are reading His word daily and are so longing for Jesus return.
Sis Nadia


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