news from israel

We are very sad that those who used to visit us now can no longer visit us, we love them and miss them because it was them who brought us to know Christ. At 81 it is very hard to do anything much but we love you all, even to take the letter to the post box is about the main sacrifice which we can make.
Bro. Viktor & Sis. Nina

I was visited recently by some visitors from England, the shame is I do not understand them as they don’t speak Russian. I so wish that you could come here again and translate for us! I ask you for your prayers for my family. I pray each day and night both to God through Jesus.
Sis. Anna

We are praying for you here. We believe that soon the Sun of Righteousness will arise with healing in his wings. Our great hope is to again have fellowship together as we used to in Russian as we find a problem with the visitors we now get speaking to us in English with no translator.
Sis. Natasha

I am truly hoping that this year will see the return of Jesus to this land!
Bro. Vladimir

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