news from tanzania

With great sadness we report the falling asleep of our dear Brother Silvesta Kateniba  last November 16 at the age of 60.  He had a stroke while returning from his field. Our Brother leaves us an example to emulate for his faith, love and devotion to the Lord’s work. He had in the past few years become bodily weak with the engulfing poverty conditions, but is now awaiting resurrection to come face to face with the Lord Jesus whom he trusted.  We buried our Brother at his home in Lipangalala.  About 500 people attended the funeral, in which we seized the opportunity to introduce the Christadelphians, read and spoke from Psalm 146, exhorting everyone to seek their own salvation by searching the Scriptures. Bro. Kimimino Mnzava

Since I left Kigwa and came to the Lugufu camp my living conditions are worse.  I sold everything at a low price and spent all the money on train fares and then to be rejected;  the Immigration has forced me to leave Kigwa.  So I have many difficulties and do hope you will help me.  I found brothers and sisters who preach the gospel and we break bread together.
Bro. Lawi Pililo

Many thanks for your help in spreading the gospel by sending us Bible Basics in Swahili and others in English for our brothers and contacts;  these will be helpful to us in spreading the gospel. We also appreciate your work in spreading the gospel by sending Gospel News which we receive regularly.  May God bless you.  We would like to have some copies of the book, In Search of Satan (“KUMSAKA SHETANI” in Swahili)..  Last September at Mtabila we had very happy fellowship with Brethren from the UK, Bre. Arthur East, Paul Dredge, also Bre. Benoit Mukendi (Arusha, Tanzania), Sammy Mutunga (Mawandeo, Kenya) and Brethren and Sisters from Muyovozi ecclesia..  We also had interviews for baptism and baptised three of six contacts, they are Bro. Baranyizigiye Liberiyo, Bro. W. Choyanga Jotham and Sis. Firela Isaac, afterwards we had a breaking of bread.  May God bless them on their journey to the Kingdom of God.  I enclose a picture of this visit.
Bro. Charles Hakizimana

Photo, from left:  Bre. Ntahokagiye Gabriel Fidel, Hakizimana Charles, Sammy Mutunga and Arthur East.

I am writing to inform you of the baptism last year of Sis. Banderembako Fidela of the Muyovozi ecclesia during the visit of Brothers Arthur East and Paul Dredge, accompanied by Brothers Sammy and Benoit, at the Mtabila ecclesia.  Last year Bro. Gahitira Leverien and Sister Hakizimana Josephine and I were baptised during the visit of Bro. David.  Now Muyovozi ecclesia has four baptised members; we are very glad and thank our Lord.  We bread bread together, remembering the death of our Lord and look for his return to earth.  We recently had copies of English Bible Basics, but would like it in Swahili and French.
Bro. Habonimana Isaac

I would like to report to you that we were very happy to welcome to our ecclesia four Brothers from different places, among them, Bro. Arthur East and Bro. Paul Palmer from the UK, Bro. Sammy Mutunga from Nairobi, Kenya and Bro. Benoit Mukendji from Arusha, Tanzania
Bro Wabene Bernard

Last year our small ecclesia had a visit from Bre. Phil Ashcroft from UK and James Katondji from the D’salaam Mbagala ecclesia.  Despite all the problems, the visit was a success and we are very thankful for the material grants sent by our UK brethren.  I also thank Bro. Arthur East for his help.  All was thankfully received through Bro. Phil Ashcroft.  We take the opportunity to announce, for general information, our postal address, which is now:  P.O. Box 78, Mang’ula, Tanzania, E. Africa.  May the Lord continue to care for His people with love as we all walk in the wilderness towards His Kingdom, with the hope of attaining the promised everlasting life with our Lord Jesus when he reigns as King.
Bro. Joseph A. Makwinja

I have been encouraged since receiving information about the work you are doing, especially in Pakistan.  May God bless you.  Through faith we can do what seems impossible.  I heard about you all from Bro. Graham Cooke (Phil. 1:6).  Pray for me so that I may be strong in His work.
Bro. Jonathan Nkombe

I was very happy to receive your letter and my hope is that you are well.  Thank you for sending me  Bible Basics in Kiswahili; when I received it there were many Christians and every one wanted to read it, so now I haven’t any type of Bible Basics.  I need, if possible, 15 copies in Kiswahili.  Also if possible send clothes because there is a contact who is lame.
Bro. Ezra R. Baocuti 

I appreciate the material received from you, including Bible Basics, all are very helpful.  I would like to introduce to you my neighbour who is very interested in the booklets sent to me;  we have been sharing them and I would be very pleased if you would send him a supply.
Bro. Nkonge Mwakatage


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