news from ukraine

After my grandad’s death in 2001, I spend most of my time caring for my ill grandma, that’s why I don’t have much free time. I’ve translated ‘Moses My Servant’ by Bro. Harry Tennant. At the third Ukrainian Bible School in Poltava there were 100 visitors present; 13 Brothers and Sisters had come from the UK. There were two speakers, Bro. Stephen Palmer (Cardiff) and Bro. Andrew Walker (Milnsbridge). Bro. Stephen talked about Peter – disciple’s portrait – and Bro. Andrew spoke of Joshua – entrance into God’s Kingdom. Five ladies were baptised into the saving Name of Jesus Christ by Bro. Palmer. Everyone enjoyed fellowship and spiritual unity. I eagerly pray and wait for our Lord’s return to this wicked earth.
Bro. Alex. Tischenko

I am hoping to come to the Bible School God willing, along with Bro. Anton, he is a pensioner but he so loves to be there and will do all he can to meet with the other Brothers and Sisters.
Sis. Ludmila

I am here in Kiev at the moment staying in the flat of Sis. Elena. It is so nice to have some spiritual fellowship with others here. 2 Cor. 7:4 encourages us that God will always comfort us in our tribulations and this has happened for me in this way.
Sis. Tamara

I thought I would just say ‘Hello’ Marcus, as you were my very pleasant tutor more than 10 years ago! My great love to Brethren Andrew Longman and Jeremy Skinner too. They baptised me in April, 1993.
Bro. Henry Ouspensky

We pray for your wellbeing and hope that we meet again very soon or in the Kingdom when Jesus is back to set it up. (I can work with you to translate the Truth’s literature).
Bro. Yestov Gennedy.

Not so long ago I met Bro. David Vimes in Kyov. He liked my idea of presenting flowers to the newly baptised Brothers and Sisters after their baptism. He took a photo of me and promised to write an article about it in the Magazine but I don’t know whether he has done it or not. Our world is full of evil, and we must support each other in faith and in love in these last days. We pray about the soon coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, when the language differences will be in the past. I send you big greetings from our Poltava ecclesia and from Veronica, Gennedy and Antony. Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son in truth and love.
Bro. Vladimir

The time I spent in your company at Moscow Bible camp was so great. And your lessons that you’ve been telling us are so interesting and helpful (because your explanations were so clear!) The things we learnt about our newly baptised Brothers and Sisters in other countries who were punished by the religious police was so sad that I cannot even tell you about my feelings. The thing that I cannot help them in any way is awful. They suffer too hard, as none else.
Bro. Anton

We have people here who are interested and I am hoping some will be ready for baptism. I pray for them.
Sis. Ludmila

I am teaching my pupils some Christian songs in English, I have taught them “All things bright and beautiful” and other songs. We have been able this Summer to get many apples from a collective farm that now has no manager. So we are happy to have them.
Sis. Veronika

I have been thinking much about the theme of Angels, and want to do more research on this. I have some people here who are interested in the Truth and I am working with them.
Bro. Vladimir

Because of financial problems and the need to buy medicines I was unable to get to the Moldova Bible School, this was a great blow to me. I have been feeling rather low recently.
Bro. Gennady

I have been really sad because I lost a very good Christian friend. I have another friend who reads the Bible with me sometimes and I have given her Bible Basics to read.
Sis. Tamara

May all Brothers and Sisters in Iraq and Iran be kept by God! I am praying for them and am always eager for news from them. May there be blessing and peace for us all from our Father.
Sis. Nana

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