news from moldova

I am in a bad situation with work, I have nobody here to help me find work. Please pray for me, I have so many problems, and at times I even feel my connection with God gets damaged by my worry about them all. May God bless us all.
Sis. Elvira

I have recently been in Moscow with my young son Evgenij, he is deaf and there was a possibility of having an operation done which might restore his hearing, but it would cost $25,000 and there is no guarantee it will work. Here in Moldova there is very little facility for educating deaf children. I don’t know what to do. I believe the Lord will guide me.
Sis. Svetlana

Through the magazine I want to thank all Brothers who work so hard to feed us spiritually, I promise that I read all the articles and exhortations sent to me, this is more for me than my daily food. I am praying for the Brothers persecuted in Pakistan.
Sis. Tamara

I am so happy to be baptized! There was always something lacking in my life spiritually, a sense was always with me that in that area I was so lacking. Now I am reading the Bible with new eyes. My favourite verse for the moment is Is. 41:10: “Do not fear, for I am with you”.
Sis. Valya

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