May 2024 France, Germany, Iran, Israel, UK

One of the early users of the French "Bible Companion" app was MARLENE, an older lady originally from the Caribbean living in a village near Orleans, France. She's a great fan of Bible Basics and had been messaging us for some time asking for baptism but with the wrong number... recently she managed to contact us and with joy we went over there to baptize her. What a wonderful sister and Bible student, although not with an easy life. Again we see the Lord gathering His elect to Him, one here and one there.

We were very happy to baptize EHSAN, living in a small town on the Czech border in eastern Germany. Again, after using the Bible Companion app for some time and growing in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, as the apostle Peter would put it.

This week we had the online baptism of ALI, and we pray for him as he is so zealous to start the new life and wants to share the Gospel with others- which is a very risky thing of course in Iran.

As mentioned some weeks ago, on our last visit we were unable to get to baptize all of our contacts in Israel who wanted it. So we're going again this week and ask for your prayers. We're open to your donations to Carelinks towards the cost of the work and issues in Israel, which is significant.

As ever, another great Sunday at the Orchard Pub this week, sermon is at
 The Joseph story, Genesis 37- a story that resonates with so many attenders and followers. Afterwards it was great to be able to finally baptize MARYAM . She is very ill, and her husband and sister made a heroic effort, along with her, to bring her on a two hour journey to our place. We had lovely fellowship together with such a lovely family, who are suffering so much and need all our prayer and support. Evia and Cindy made a cake for Maryam, trying to ice her name in Persian script onto the cake. Afterwards her husband brother Amin [whom we baptized over 10 years ago in Cardiff] offered free hair cuts in the garden; brother Marcus jumped at the chance. It was also great to have Hannah and Jordan from New Zealand working with us. What a great time together, only possible by all being in the Lord Jesus.
Midweek we continued our lunchtime church / soup kitchen meetings as usual, again many thanks to Hannah and Jordan for helping:
And as ever... we really do need help on the ground at our meetings. Hopefully more will see that "the need is the call" and come forward.

   - For those recently baptized
   - For our work in Israel this week, Lord willing
   - For sister Maryam and others in intense physical pain, and their children and families who observe it
   - For all those isolated ones here and there throughout the world
With love from your brothers and sisters of Carelinks