January 2025 Australia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, UK
AUSTRALIA After many wonderful emails and messages, it was clear that NIGEL in Adelaide really desired baptism into the Lord Jesus after a mature and careful study of God's word. We put him in touch with our local friends there, with the happy result that he was baptized and then warmly welcomed at the South Adelaide ecclesia. We're really grateful for how everything worked out with each part of the body doing that which they were intended to. Joy all around when the Lord's body functions as intended and one more is added to it.

And this week Mark and Lisa were able to baptize another two people in WA, Ray and Adele, contacts of sister Gaylene whom they baptized earlier, and Gaylene went into the ocean with Lisa to baptize Adele. Sister Lou was also present for the happy event.
Video at
https://youtu.be/8n8sp6hH6X0 Brother Mark reports:
Thanks to the Crucificxion of Jesus and the glory of his resurrection, RAY and ADELLE have been convicted to be baptised into his saving grace.
Thanks also 'For the Lord', that previously baptized sister Gaylene pointed the search hearts of Ray and Adelle to Jesus and to us, so that we could help them be immersed into the sin covering name of our Lord Jesus Christ.Faith is trust and belief; belief is trust and faith, and through a believing trusting faith with all the genuine simplicity of a "little child" (Matthew 18:3-7), Jesus welcomes into his bosom and his promises and his ecclesia/church, folk like Ray and Adelle. Thank you Lord Jesus for such an overwhelming grace
KAZAKHSTAN We have so much material online in Russian and many in the Russian speaking world use it regularly. So we're pleased to tell you of the self baptism of RINAT in Kazakhstan and hope he can join in our Russian language Zoom breaking of bread and fellowship meetings we regularly hold each week. So many in the Russian speaking world are terribly confused and upset by how things are as a result of the war pitting brother against brother... and a few are turning to God.
We asked earlier for your prayers for brother Igor who despite having had a major heart attack, was arrested and forced into the army. He had another heart attack whilst undergoing training and has been discharged back home. What an amazing answer to prayer.
A reminder of our Carelinks UK / Croydon Church in a Pub retreat weekend planned Lord willing for March 21-23 Lord willing, at the Carrotty Wood Centre in Tonbridge, Kent. Many wanting to attend won't be able to contribute to the costs, which all up will leave a shortfall of around £2000. We're open to your kind donations to enable them to come and have a solid weekend of fellowship and Bible teaching.
This week we were able to visit sister Shanise, baptized last year and then her mum was baptized a bit later. We baptized her fiancee ANDREW and conducted some pre-marital counselling before their engagement.
Video of this at https://youtu.be/CYC899bjhtc
And video of the baptism at https://youtu.be/cFDJeb_6gD0
Shanise helped with immersing Andrew, and was just happiness itself that he has made this commitment to the Lord and clearly from the heart. One really feels so positive around Shanise, her faith is so strong and she has taught and spread it so well, and Andrew is really such a nice and solid man for Christ. It was just amazing joy all round, on Heaven and on earth in that flat in Wolverhampton.

Also happy to tell you of the self baptism of EMILY in that area, another of our online followers.
- For those recently baptized
- For our time in Morocco this week Lord willing
- For more local workers like we have in South Australia who can follow up on contacts and baptize them
- For all those being drafted into the armies in Russia and Ukraine and their families
With love from your brothers and sisters of Carelinks