December 2022 Afghanistan, UK, Ukraine
This week, SHARIF was baptized online.
The situation in Ukraine continues awful. Do please pray for the trip we're making there this week. The situation in the Kherson area is especially acute. We continue trying to get firewood delivered for folks but it's so difficult. Please pray for sister Vera, currently living in a wooden home in a safer part of Ukraine and in need of firewood and many things. But she shared the hard news that their family home in the currently occupied area has been severely damaged by the fighting- not the kind of thing you want to happen when you're in your 80s:

Please do pray for Denis and others in Kherson itself. Although the Russian military have withdrawn from the town itself, they are located just across the river and are shelling and mortaring indiscriminately 24/7. The mainstream media only reports this occasionally, but if you set your browser to translate to English, you can see from
that there are daily deaths and casualties in Kherson. Also a chronic shortage of energy and people often being killed or maimed by landmines as they search for firewood. There is also the use of white phosphorous. This isn't nuclear power, but creates high intensity burning which can't be extinguished by water, only by specific chemical treatment. It's especially scary to be under phosphorous bombardment.

However we were delighted to get news that the firewood we paid for was delivered to sister Lena, it was in fact to provide heat for her invalid mother who needs care 24/7 as she is totally bedridden and has been moved into a relative's house in a village. She expresses her appreciation for the funds provided, and we in turn are grateful to all who donate so we can do this work:

Another need for prayer is the situation many are finding themselves in regarding military callup, both in Russia and Ukraine; and of course their worried families. We get prayer requests like this:

More good news from South Wales. CRIS was baptized in the now familiar pool in brother Ed and sister Steph's yard. It was a cold and rainy day but lit up by this baptism, which had been a long time coming. Cris is Steph's brother.

So we wish and pray every blessing on our brother as he takes his first steps in the new life:

A reminder that God willing we begin our "Lunchtime church" feeding / warm space / Bible teaching sessions on Monday January 9th at The Venue in central Croydon. We could really do with some help with the catering side of things- do let us know if you're able to help. You can see the first publicity video for it at
and we'll release this more publically the week before we start, Lord willing.
Croydon Church in a Pub was another joyful occasion last week. Good to have brother Peter Osborne with us from Australia. Afterwards we sung Christmas carols over the meal and at the bar, wonderful, warm experience, good local Londoners now heartfelt singing away, join us by viewing it at
Just a reminder, next Sunday is December 25th and after that is Sunday January 1st- we won't be having meetings on those dates, the pub will be packed.

We again used brother Spiro's mic and speaker system to give some talks in central Croydon, along with some songs, appealing to the Christmas shoppers. We had some good conversations. The boys giving out New Testaments as we spoke seemed to engage people well. And young brother Daniel gave his first bits of a public talk, telling people to come to church in The Orchard pub on Sundays, to get baptized, to be in the Kingdom and live for ever. Whether many stop and listen is not the big issue, because it's the YouTube recordings of these brief talks that bring in the contacts. This one we've titled "God, Jesus, the Bible- for those thinking about Christianity for the first time". Just the simplest of messages, but urging people to get a free Bible or the app.
Video at

- For those recently baptized
- For the trip in Ukraine this week
- For the acute situation in Kherson, Ukraine
- For our brethren in both Russia and Ukraine facing military service issues
With love from your brothers and sisters of Carelinks