September 2024 Afghanistan, Russia, UK, Retreat

This week we were happy to online baptize SHAKILA and ABDUL, husband and wife, who are relatives of a brother already baptized. It's amazing how the Gospel spreads even in such a totally oppressive and anti-Christian environment.
Preaching the Gospel and ecclesial life is very, very difficult these days in Russia. Unregistered religious groups can't meet, etc. But there are many users of our Bible app throughout Russia, as more and more thoughtful people turn to God and His Son "in spirit and truth". So, we're delighted to announce the baptism of NIKOLAY who has been studying with us a very long time. He travelled a long way to our elderly brother Yuri, who baptized him in a beautiful lake, with many of us online with them for the occasion.
Video [in Russian] at

We've had so many appreciative notes after last week's Garden Party. Often they mention that they're grateful for our "alcohol-free" position, sick and tired of the booze culture and attracted to something as unusual as a "Church in a Pub" having an alcohol-free Garden Party.

What a joy this week to baptize two of our visitors to Lunchtime Church. Two men from very different backgrounds and paths to the Lord Jesus; FABIAN from Romania, and GARY, a roofer from Croydon. Sister Cis sung a song to them and we had a lovely gathering together, with Jonathan keeping us in tune with the guitar. Such a talented musician. All to His glory.
Video at
And as seems the pattern of our weeks, later this week we got out to see some of our online followers and baptize them. First there was LYN a nurse in Kent, who so wanted to be baptized in the sea. But there's been quite a cold and rainy spell of weather. The whole day it was raining, but we set off anyway for the beach. The rain amazingly held off, although we could see the rain and rainclouds approaching us over the sea as we did it as the sun set over the English Channel. Our sister is battling cancer and it would be great to pray for her on that journey. Back home we did Bible readings huddled around the oven to warm up.
Then there was RICK, a painter and decorator.  He began reading the Bible seriously in 2016 after a spell in hospital where a nurse advised him to read it. He has carefully looked at many churches but was leery of them all, and perceived that they tend to baptize effectively into themselves. His very interesting thoughts and story are in the
 video at
 He makes the comment at the end that he felt a real change has come over him, and not just some placebo effect... And indeed the final "truth" is that we are indeed "in Christ" and secure in Him. It was wonderful to hear him pray, a secular tradesman in London who has truly come to the Lord Jesus Christ:

Pleased to tell you that we plan to gather a few of us together for a residential weekend retreat at the Carroty Wood centre in Kent
Higham Lane, Tonbridge, Kent TN11 9QX
  really cute place. We'd arrive on Friday 18th October at 4:30 and leave on the Sunday afternoon 20th October after lunch, Lord willing. Cost- well, those who can't pay anything don't need to pay anything. We'll just have a pot where folks can put any contribution. Don't want ££ to stop anyone coming. But most should consider an adequate donation to their own cost. Let us know if any issues there. We want to see you there. The rooms are nice all with ensuite toilet and shower. And there's a nice conference hall. Car parking right next to the building. We would have some Bible studies on the theme of JOSEPH: The man with all our issues. Fear, forgiveness, false accusation, faith. Along with prayer, discussion, walks, games, whatever.

 Day visitors welcome. Want to meet some real people, really interesting people, really genuine newly converted Christian people for a great weekend? This is the place to come! Also looking for some helpers with the catering and clean up after. God bless and let's pray for a great outcome to His glory! If you want to come, please text Duncan 07481122558 or Cindy 07481120989 . You're welcome to bring friends, especially anyone interested in being baptized into the Lord Jesus [there's an indoor swimming pool on site].

And if you can't come but would like to enable others to who won't be able to meet the costs... please do donate.

   - For those recently baptized
   - For our Carelinks / Croydon church retreat planned
   - For those struggling with cancer
   - For the brotherhood in Russia in their difficult situation

With love from your brothers and sisters of Carelinks