July 2022 Afghanistan, Belgium, Canada, Congo, Ivory Coast, UK
AFGHANISTAN WAHID was baptized online this week, despite all the turmoil in Afghanistan.
BELGIUM It was around 10 years ago that we baptized brother Hossein in Belgium, and he has remained faithful and this week we were able to baptize online a friend of his SEYED, a mature Iranian-Belgian gentleman in Antwerp.
CANADA This week we have the baptism online planned of a lady in Quebec, Lord willing, on 11 July at 11 AM local time. It will be in French and English, let us know if you'd like to attend.
CONGO Response to the French app continues on a huge scale throughout Francophone Africa, and this week we rejoiced to baptize RENE.
IVORY COAST Another user of the French app, FRANCK, joyfully gave himself to the Lord Jesus through online baptism this week:
UNITED KINGDOM So pleased to baptize KAREN who attends our Church in a Pub in Croydon. Video at
https://youtu.be/yeCGGtBVc1A Great to have others present who also attend, Sean, Michelle, Jackie... what truly lovely people. And then to Southend to baptize ESSA in the sea, video at
https://youtu.be/3ie-8fh5QJg The Gospel is really going forth in London, do pray for our work for Him, to His glory. And if you're in London... come along on Sundays, 1:30 at The Orchard, CR06BA. You'll find veteran 89 year old preacher brother Marcus outside the pub, prodding folks to come in and being a great doorman. A great range of good folks... many took
NEV Bibles,
Bible Basics,
Real Devil, Real Christ etc. and are reading them as well as using the app. Here's a few of the messages we're having with attenders at the church in a pub. These folks are serious good people... do pray for us all.
Cindy wonders if anyone could help with a violin for an Iranian brother who attends our Croydon church:
"Bro. Behnam is a highly educated musician and composer with two university degrees - one in music and the other in management. He plays multiple instruments including the violin and piano. He fled Iran with his instruments (which he calls his "children"), but unfortunately had to leave them in Germany as he couldn't take them any further on his refugee journey. The tiny hotel room he shares with his 12 year old son is too small for a keyboard or piano, but he would really appreciate a working violin. If anyone has an unused full sized violin worthy of a concert musician they could give him, please let me know! He would really love to be able to play again.
Life is really rough for him, and though he has a place to stay, he finds it hard when he sees the Arabs around him given financial help from Muslim charities when he and his son are only given 8 pounds a week after their hotel bill and food expenses (curry and rice 3 times a day) are taken out of their government allowance. Please pray that he will be granted asylum soon so that he can leave the refugee centre and start a more normal life. He says is not allowed to work or receive any education whilst waiting for his application to be processed and feels that he is simply existing. I think being able to play the violin again might help his long days of waiting for his case to be processed pass more quickly.
PRAYER POINTS - For those recently baptized
- For the "Church in a pub" which has received such amazing blessing from the Lord
- Thanksgiving that God's word doesn't return void to Him
- For the asylum seeker brethren who are living in the UK on very low income from the Government and with poor food
With love from your brothers and sisters of Carelinks