September 2024 Afghanistan, Italy, Ukraine, UK

We were so happy to online baptize another Bible Companion app user, NASIM.

For very many years we've kept in touch with various African migrant brethren living in Italy. Most of them are now Italian citizens but continue to struggle with overt racism and the problem of working minimum wage in western urban society. And we learned this time of continual hassle from Catholic influences; being a protestant in Italy really isn't easy as the Catholic culture pervades everything. But their faith has stood many years. It's always a joy to visit them, share the things closest to our hearts about the Kingdom of God and the Lord Jesus- and baptize some more into His Saving Name. This time we baptized KENNEDY, MAGNUS and his wife IVY. Ivy had been wanting to be baptized for three years and has such a heart for the Lord. We've been going to the same spot on the River Po for many years now for the annual baptisms. We gave welfare support as so many in the group are doing it so hard at this time.
 Video at
  We really appreciate your support of Carelinks that makes all this possible and do ask you to continue.

Carelinks readers will have heard the name "Poltava" over the decades. We baptized many in this city, and held so many Bible Schools and Bible weekends there. And now that city in Ukraine is front page news, having suffered a huge missile attack that has left scores dead and hundreds wounded. We've contacted our brothers and sisters there. None of them nor their immediate families are victims. But all are very shaken. We appreciate your continued prayers for the terrible situation there in Ukraine.

We managed to get some funds through to sister Olena who continues in a horrific situation, with daily explosions and missile attacks where she lives with her sick mum and child. Moving out has various complications, but we hope to visit her on the next visit Lord willing, till then we can only pray for their safety.

In other news, we ask for your specific prayers for brother Sergej. He was drafted to the army but insisted he would not serve in a combatant role, this was promised and upheld for his first tour of service. However, he has been sent to the front on his second tour of service and refuses to be involved with murder- and so he has absconded [deserted] and is now lying low, facing severe consequences if he is found. It's a complicated situation and we simply ask for your prayers for him.

A reminder of our planned residential weekend at Carroty Wood near Tonbridge, Kent October 18-20 Lord willing. Theme will be JOSEPH: A man with all our issues. Lots of interesting folk planning to attend, speakers will include Steve Gretton, Duncan Heaster and Peter Marsella. Do consider coming, or funding others to come.

Our much-awaited alcohol free Garden Party was a huge success with about 70 attending throughout the day- including our friend Levi and online follower who drove down with his daughter all the way from Nottingham, and back in the day- 8 hours driving due to delays. Highlights were the baptism of AMIR in front of around 60 witnesses,
and sister Raquelle's testimony of how she was baptized a year ago at last year's party, and how she has changed since.
 She brought her daughter, son in law and two grandchildren... and so much else. Thanks to brother Kwam for the sound equipment, to Paul & Rachel, Mike & Vanessa, Spiro and Jeanette for huge efforts catering for us all.
And to the quiet heroes, or more correctly heroines, who stayed behind for the massive cleanup afterwards.
What a day! It was grey and showers kept starting, we kept praying the rain would hold off- and it did. At one point some were sitting in the garden using umbrellas, we quickly constructed and erected a wobbly gazebo that didn't quite stay up... but the showers held off. It would've been game over with those kinds of numbers if the torrential rain of the day before and evening after had hit us.
People did their karaoke to Christian songs, there was dancing to Bob Marley and Frank Sinatra... you have to watch the
video at
 to get the feel of it. The attenders either attend the pub and Venue meetings or follow us online. Absolutely all glory to the Lord Jesus whom we seek to serve. For He has reached out to all those present in that garden of a suburban home in Croydon, people born throughout the UK and also in Australia, Barbados, Bulgaria, Ghana, Greece, Iran, Jamaica, Latvia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Poland, Russia, South Africa and Zimbabwe. Truly the Gospel is going "to all nations".

   - For those recently baptized
   - For those facing call up and other crises of conscience in Russia and Ukraine
   - For those facing racism
   - For brother Sergej in his difficult situation
   - Simple and practical thanks to God that He held the rain off from our outdoor Garden Party, it seemed quite a miracle

With love from your brothers and sisters of Carelinks