September 2024 Australia, Iran, UK, Guitar Appeal

Brother Mark's swimming pool in Perth has yet again been put to good use with the baptism of TODD this week, again a result of Mark's outreach on YouTube to local people in WA.
And Phil & Miri Worsnop continue holding multiple instruction classes with the friends of brother John Chol at their home in Ipswich QLD and are looking forward to at least one baptism soon. Let's prayerfully support their amazing efforts.

We have previously reached out to prisoners in Australia, resulting in some baptisms. In South Australia, brother Luke Beard is doing a volunteer program in a prison and is starting up a music program to try and preach the gospel in prison through music. He has a 1-year program at the moment and already had 2 sessions. He is teaching gospel songs on guitar. He is wondering if Carelinks could subsidize the purchase of some guitars. He is wanting to purchase 10 'Yamaha gig maker nylon string' guitars. The inmates to contribute $50.00 for a guitar and Carelinks $99.00. The total outlay on Carelinks would be $990.00.
We've said "Yes and God bless" but are very open to your donations towards this.

YAGHBOUB was this week baptized online in Iran. Some there and in Afghanistan still manage to use VPN to get access to our Bible Companion app.

We had a special moment at Lunchtime Church at The Venue this week. We baptized Gary last week. And his mother [far right in the photo] made the effort to drive over to Croydon to stand up and tell us how amazingly her son had changed since then, and she urged everyone present to go the same path as him. It was a huge encouragement to us, that a man who began [like us all] just taking baby steps towards the Lord has so quickly been transformed further.
What an amazing day this week to go up to rural Scotland and baptize PAULINE, after a long time of following us on YouTube and countless messages. She's a pig farmer who lives by the sea in a fairytale cluster of houses in an old fishing village. And even here the Gospel has penetrated. What a brave woman, totally focused upon Jesus, who allowed three men, harmless but unknown to her, to come and be with her on her special day and baptize her in the cold water, accompanied only by a fisherman out in the bay. Surely the presence of the Lord was there amongst us as we held our little baptism service on a convenient bench and shared the joy of Heaven above. She had to leave soon afterwards as a pig was going into labour. But she has sent many very appreciative messages afterwards. Many thanks to brothers Joe and Tony for coming along as witnesses and encouragers. A very special time, all and only from the Lord's patient work through His Spirit. All glory to Him, yet once again.
And then near Burley in the New Forest, we baptised SCOTT, another YouTube follower. He lives in his van and reads the Bible 2 hours every day. He's an ex-army paratrooper with an absolute heart for the Lord. We're hoping he'll attend the retreat weekend. Our car broke down right out in the middle of nowhere, so whilst waiting for it to be fixed you can see him in the photo showing David and Daniel how to construct a dam. Another truly lovely guy for the Lord Jesus. He says that more and more people he knows are seriously turning to Jesus, taking God's Name in vain is no longer cool amongst them... but trooping along to a physical church is something they're all leery of.
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Our residential retreat at Carroty Wood, Tonbridge, Kent October 18-20 Lord willing is proving very popular. Places are filling up. There's unlimited room for day visitors but if you want to spend the weekend with truly interesting people... do book now.

   - For those recently baptized
   - Thanksgiving for the real transformation of those baptized and that the 'hold on' rate is so high in Croydon
   - For Phil & Miri's amazing group in Queensland, Australia
   - For brother Luke's outreach to prisoners in South Australia

With love from your brothers and sisters of Carelinks