June 2022 United Kingdom, Ukraine
We strongly recommend you download the "
Bible Companion" app, from where you can access
Carelinks messages, daily Bible readings,
Bible Basics, commentary on every verse of the Bible and audio exhortations on every chapter of the Bible.
For Android / Google Play at
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.carelinks.bc and on the App Store for Apple / iOS at
https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bible-companion/id1475914490 You can break bread live online as follows:
Saturday mornings 09:00 a.m.UK time; on Zoom
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6697401754?pwd=K0VWNDlScGwzaThPM2tiU0didmNyUT09 Meeting ID: 669 740 1754 Passcode: XPb9Sz.
Sundays at 3:00 PM New Zealand time. That's 1 PM in Sydney Australia; 10 PM in New York, USA on Saturday evening [run by Br John Aldersley in New Zealand] on
Meeting ID: 879 3424 5299 Passcode: 411793
Sundays at 10am North American Eastern Time [3 PM UK GMT time, 11 PM Sydney Australia time]. Run by Br Jim Barton in Canada.
Meeting ID: 912 375 8179 . Also, Bible class on Wednesdays at 7 PM North American Eastern Time
This week we're delighted to report three more baptisms in the UK. First there was the self baptism of CLIFF near Brighton. He writes:
"I have finished the Bible Basics course. Thank you for sending the Bible and book. I shall treasure them so much... I managed to do baptising on my own, as I didn't want to wait. I've been a nurse for 30 years, and know that life is very short and death is rarely expected. I'm also keen to take part in communion again, so will be looking at your 'online church'. May God bless you for all you do. It's been a bit hectic for me this week, have had meetings and an interview for a job, which, praise Yahweh, I was successful in getting".
And then there were the baptisms of ARYA and ABDOL in the Thames Estuary, just east of London. You can see a brief video of it at
Again it was a time of joy and absolute sincerity of men going into that water to die and live with Christ, giving their lives to Jesus as their Lord, Master and Saviour, in sure Hope of His Kingdom

Interest continues from throughout the UK, especially in the South East and the London area. We've spent much of the week looking at possible properties, after our bid on a hall got turned down. Problem is that developers swallow up halls and churches with use class as a place of worship, and there are fewer and fewer of them about. The planning push is always to provide more residential property, as South London is just heaving with people rushing to fill all the job vacancies. Do pray for our wisdom, and that something comes up. We are working on various possibilities but only God's hand will lead to somewhere.
Meantime, something has to be done. So, we've arranged with the Orchard Pub near East Croydon station to take over their function room in their pub and hold meetings on Sundays starting at 1:30 PM with a meal served from 2:30 PM. If you want to attend and have the meal, please let us know in advance. Only soft drinks will be on offer to our group and please respect that. We've no idea how many people will come, but the room holds up to 30 people. We'll also have live translation into Farsi. So, if you have any contacts speaking English or Persian who might want to attend a "Church in a pub" - do contact us or send them along.
The address is 112 Cherry Orchard Road, Croydon CR0 6BA - it's about 6 minutes walk from East Croydon station [the tram stops there too and many buses]. This may not be ideal, but perhaps the Lord has a purpose in leading us to this option for the time being.

We keep getting huge response from throughout Ukraine from app users, and remain in contact with so many brothers and sisters both within Ukraine and scattered now throughout Europe. We've had a lot of contact with one woman whose home was destroyed as she lived opposite a barracks, she is on crutches now, lost everything, and lives with a very elderly relative near a lake. It's her strong desire to be baptized, but she feels she would need assistance in getting into the lake and immersing herself alone. She sent a photo of it:
So please do pray for Nina that she'll be able to get baptized. We've had several online meetings and prayed together, she is very much with the Lord. We have sent material help to her, as well as to many others in recent times.
- For those recently baptized
- For our new church in Croydon UK
- For those who'd like to be baptized but find logistics difficult
With love from your brothers and sisters of Carelinks