We've moved the Winter Bible School from end January to early November, God willing, in order to avoid having to travel at the coldest part of Winter. Many of our folks are elderly and struggle with icey streets and public transport.
The Bible Schools in Eastern Europe began in 1992 when we invited a small group of interested people from throughout the former USSR to study the Bible with us for a week. The ex-USSR spreads over 9 time zones, so it's really hard to get people together in one place. However, such meetings are important in order to create a sense of community and fellowship amongst those who have been baptized and who are seriously studying the doctrines of the Truth. The Schools have been kept going ever since, thanks to the generous support of Western brothers and sisters. However, the collapsed economic situation in the area means that we have to heavily subsidize many brothers and sisters to attend. Attendance reached a peak of 220 brethren and sisters. If we don't keep up these Bible Schools, the sense of community and fellowship amongst this widely scattered group of 1600 brethren and sisters will be seriously damaged, and despite rising costs, we feel we really have to ask for your support each year to enable this wonderful gathering to continue.
These schools may be the only time most of these Brothers and Sisters get together as they are so scattered, often in total isolation. Several young couples have met and are now married as a result of meeting at these Bible Schools; and many isolated brethren and sisters comment that they live 'from Bible School to Bible School'. There is a very warm and intense spirit of fellowship; but without your support, these gatherings can't happen.
The Winter Eastern European Bible School is booked for November 7-10 2019, God willing, in Kiev, Ukraine. Brothers Bill Farrar from Canada and David Corbin from New York USA along with brother Duncan from Latvia will be giving classes.
We'd like to not only invite your attendance, but also to encourage you to consider sponsoring a brother or sister to attend. We don't consider there is any security issue in Kiev, the war in Ukraine is far in the east of the country.
The total cost of this gathering is about GBP 6,500- if we limit attendance to about 55 bre sis.
We really do need your support.
Without your donations these things just can't happen.
You can wire donations according to the details at http://carelinks.net/doc/donations
Donations are tax deductible in the UK, Canada and USA.
You can donate through PayPal to tiybible@yahoo.com or by cheques made out to 'Carelinks' sent to :-
Carelinks, c/o Bro John Thatcher, P.O. Box 152, Menai Central, NSW 2234 AUSTRALIA Email: john555@tpg.com.au
Robin Jean Field, 4 Ellergreen, Burneside, Kendal LA9 5SD Email: jandrfield@mypostoffice.co.uk
Carelinks Outreach Inc, c/o Bro. David Corbin,Treasurer, 151 E 32nd Street, Brooklyn, NY 11226 Email: joebadlu@gmail.com
Jim Anne Barton, 27 Cedar Creek Lane, RR 1 Elgin, Ontario K0G 1E0, Canada Email: ccjimbarton@gmail.com
Please note that currently 1 GBP [British pound] = 1.2 US$, 1.7 AU$, 1.1 Euro
Please pray for the community here as they grow in grace and the knowledge of their Lord and Saviour Jesus.
Here are some scenes from previous Bible Schools:
Last year's speaker was brother Julian Baseley from Guildford, UK:
Brother John Thatcher informs that this next Friday Lord willing there will be a distribution of New Testaments to commuters as they leave the Wollongong railway station, along with leaflets advertising the Sunday meeting at the local ecclesia. Let us know if you can come and help, John's email is john_nonlte@hotmail.com :
"Brian and I will head to W'gong rail station this Fri evening (GW) and give out NT's along with flyers that Brian has prepared - for the Sunday at W'gong ecclesia. So, prayers for that".
Brother Jason Kominek reports:
"I'm at the Black Swamp Arts Festival, downtown Bowling Green [Ohio]. Send me a message if you want to help pass out Bibles and other literature about the Gospel". Jason got the vest and literature at the Carelinks Canada conference and is now well engaged with a local ecclesia where he is. Let's pray for our brothers great efforts in street preaching.
- For those recently baptized
- For the plans for the Winter Bible School in Ukraine
- For those receiving Bibles and encountering the Gospel on the streets as we preach it
- For our plans to assist the migrant brethren in Europe at this time
With love from your brothers and sisters of Carelinks