June 2024 Morocco, Pakistan, Turkey, Ukraine, UK, help needed

This week HANNA was baptized online after studying our material online in Spanish. She is in Melilla, one of the small Spanish speaking communities which still exist on the north coast of Morocco. Truly the Gospel is spreading worldwide to every nook and corner of the planet.

This week we baptized online a family of Afghan refugees, FATIMA and her husband RAMAZAN and her sister AZIZA. They are in a hard situation, with Pakistan trying to force Afghani refugees back into Afghanistan.

We're delighted to say that the spread of the Gospel continues amongst our Iranian brothers and sisters in Turkey. Sister Nasrin recently baptized four of her family members-  in their culture that takes a lot of bottle for a woman to baptize a man... a huge thing for her to do, and for them to accept. We give thanks and all respect to our dear sister. 

This report is in our judgment realistic, of "Conscription squads" scouring Ukraine for men to pressgang into military service, driving huge numbers of men into hiding. The age for conscription has now been raised to 60, and the average age of a Ukrainian soldier is 40. This affects so many of our brothers and sisters and their families

We are planning to visit Ukraine again this Summer and appreciate your prayerful support.

Here's a date for your diaries: ALCOHOL FREE GARDEN PARTY with Croydon Church in a Pub (what a contradiction!), Saturday 7th September 1 PM-5PM. Last year we had nearly 100 people come and squeeze in... it was just so great. True friendship and fellowship in the Lord Jesus with real people. Thanks to Rose Stone for the artwork... BUT WHO WILL VOLUNTEER TO COME AND DO THE FOOD AND BBQ? Message us if you feel the need is your call.
This week we baptized one of our online followers MARTIN in Loch Lomond, Scotland. What a great person and very determined to follow the Lord Jesus. He often goes up to Loch Lomond with his tent and camps and fishes in a spot few apparently know about, quite a walk from anywhere you can park a car. So we drove there and walked to his favourite spot where he was baptized.
Video at https://youtu.be/6oynjmJOpiY

   - For our brethren and their families being called up in Ukraine and Russia
   - For those recently baptized
   - For more help on the ground in Croydon UK
   - For all those suffering persecution

With love from your brothers and sisters of Carelinks