April 2024 Canada, Israel, UK
CANADA Brother Al Hussey has asked us to promote his new book on Bible prophecy and we're pleased to do so. "Dear Brothers and Sisters, I am very pleased to offer my new book to all who are inspired by Bible Prophecy to help us prepare for Jesus' coming. May God bless us all as we approach the Last Days and the establishment of God's Kingdom.
Bible Studies on The Book of Revelation and the Last Days - by Al Hussey. Available from Amazon". Just search for it on Amazon and you should find it.
Despite the war and very difficult situation, our brethren there are flourishing spiritually. Many migrant workers who were working on farms have ended their contracts and returned to their home countries, and so there has been a huge influx of new migrants from poorer countries in Africa. Our brethren have wasted no time sharing the Bible Companion app with them and urging them to seriously accept the Lord Jesus in spirit and truth. We have 31 candidates for baptism, scattered throughout Israel on various farms. Despite the usual sirens and jamming of GPS systems [which was in our case the most annoying] we were able to get around to a number of farms in northern Israel and visit with our brethren and contacts. Security has been hugely upped, with bars and gates, armed guards, sandbags etc. on all the farms to guard against the possibility of future attacks and abductions as happened near the Gaza Border:
There is a huge enthusiasm for the things of the Truth, the Bible, the Lord Jesus, amongst these farm workers. They work 6 days / week sometimes 7, often with very long hours in now hot weather and sleeping many people in one container; and only have the Sabbath free. But there's no transport on the Sabbath and they are isolated in their farms. "All" they have is online contact. So, to get them together for baptism is a logistical nightmare. With just one car it was impossible to get more than 15 of the candidates together on the Saturday, and that involved the first ones picked up having to wait hours in the sun for the other groups to arrive. Getting taxis etc. isn't easy on the Sabbath, as only Arabs work on Saturdays and there's a growth of Jewish Orthodox demand that the Sabbath be observed by all. It's really difficult. Although many facilities are closed, we were kindly given permission [for a cost] to use the usual facilities, where we were able to give Bible talks, answer questions etc. before the baptisms of 12 men and three women. A truly wonderful time- truly the Angels rejoiced as those dear brothers and sisters did too on earth. Afterwards there was the logistical nightmare of getting them all back to their farms, Arab taxi drivers and other dramas...
We can only say this is an amazing opening to reach so many searchers for truth in let's say an unusual situation in God's special land of Israel- at this, shall we say, "difficult" time. The cost of work in Israel isn't low... things are very expensive there. Costs for the meeting place with baptism facility alone were nearly £200. And lots of other items. As ever we're open to your donations towards it all.
There are many others wanting baptism. Brother Duncan writes:
"There are people almost literally lining up to be baptized in Israel. We have at least another 16 candidates. They're only free on Saturdays, and it's logistically so hard to get them all together. Having looked at all the logistical possibilities, I conclude the most effective way would be to have three of us out there each with a self-drive car, going around to the various farms visiting and collecting folks. So. I'm looking for one or two to come out on a trip next month and drive rental cars around Israel picking folks up, chatting with them about the Gospel, and taking them home. Yes, this is technically a war zone but in reality, it's all fairly calm and in my opinion there's no unduly high risk, but that's all in the Lord's hands... our numbers come up when they will come up and meantime, we serve the Lord whilst we can. So, you'd need to be willing to drive a left-hand drive vehicle, on your own, using GPS to locate various farms, and be willing to be used by the Lord. He's so eager to use you! It'd be a long weekend not a week. Any time in May, Lord willing. Do be in touch with me directly if you feel this need is your call and of course do please pray for us going forward in this".
It was 11 years ago that we baptized brother Arian in Hamburg, Germany. Since then, he's settled in the UK and become well established, but he's not forgotten his faith and still reaches out to others with the Gospel. We had a lovely reunion at his very nice flat in northern UK and baptized a contact of his YASIN. We praise the Lord for His continued and unceasing work reaching out to the hearts of so many throughout the UK and the world:
Another wonderful day in Croydon when TATYANA [Tanya] and LEE were baptized. We sat and talked about the Bible and spiritual things and prayed together for a long time, what a wonderful meeting of minds all clearly devoted to following the Lord Jesus. And then in Marcus's bathtub, Tanya and Lee were baptized. Tanya has been attending our meetings 18 months. Lee helped Marcus shifting boxes of NEV Bibles from his garage to his sheds- in 2017. We sowed the seed of the Gospel with him then, and more recently he started attending our meetings at the pub and the Venue. And now he's been baptized. How wonderful. We ended our long session together with fish and chips... Such a great day.
Video at https://youtu.be/0hIMoGEyz54
We just glorify God and His dear Son for their amazing work in south London.
Tanya had been inspired to be baptized after watching Tony's baptism, and Tony sent such a kind message to us:
- For those recently baptized
- For the issues and needs relating to baptizing the other contacts in Israel
- For our brothers and sisters in Israel in so many ways at this difficult time
- Thanksgiving for the definite uptick of interest in the true Gospel in these last days
With love from your brothers and sisters of Carelinks