June 2024 Algeria, North America, UK

We were happy to participate in the self baptism of SALIHA a young woman from a Muslim background who has passionately come to love the Lord Jesus.

So pleased to observe the self baptism of JENNIFER, again a person whom church had failed but who earnestly loves the Lord Jesus and God's word.

Lunchtime Church at The Venue continues grinding through the Joseph story, verse by verse, with about everyone saying that it resonates with them. What an amazing servant of Yahweh. All the meetings are recorded and online on the
Carelinks YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYp5dgMyPo1m-pFIqpyojTQ
 After the session on Monday we had DAVID and AYJAY back for baptism- yet another happy occasion before the Lord and also here on earth:
As usual brother Spiro came to our Lunchtime Church at The Venue but his kneecap has got worse, he can only walk now with a stick and had to sit down rather than as usual being out on the street inviting people to the Gospel. Our brother was attacked by a Muslim gang who left him unconscious on the central mall in Croydon, as reported previously. So do pray for him to be able to heal, and soon. He's in a lot of pain.

Our YouTube and other online followers continue responding well. This week we made a brief visit to JOSEPH in Lanark, Scotland- a true, Bible based believer in every sense who has thrown himself upon God and the Lord Jesus "in spirit and truth" as he succesfully battles addiction issues and their longer term consequences. The baptism was performed in very cold water in the river Clyde.
Video at https://youtu.be/z2bYXn0Dwac
And big thanks to brother Peter Marsella from the East Ham ecclesia in London, who used a trip to Yorskshire to meet and baptize our friend and contact CASEY in the quite spectacular Sparth reservoir. You can hear Casey's testimony and see the
 baptism at https://youtu.be/h4qfG9twiUg
 He describes his upbringing, desperate for God, after his father went to jail for shooting a taxi driver and his mum was on heroin. And how the Church of England just didn't help him, he became an atheist whilst at uni... but came back to God, His word and His Son with all his heart once he realized it's really not about religion.

   - For those recently baptized
   - For all fighting addictions
   - For brother Spiro's healing after being beaten unconscious by Muslim thugs in Croydon
   - Simple gratitude to God for so hugely blessing Church in a Pub and Lunchtime Church, which is now reaching and resonating with so many people
   - For our work in Germany this week

With love from your brothers and sisters of Carelinks